M&P PRO C.O.R.E 5"bbl Who has one

Oct 27, 2008
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Can anyone who has one or who has shot one with or without a RDS comment on this pistol? Thinking about picking one up and putting a Trijicon RMR on it. Any advantage of the Performance Center w/ported barrel/slide vs. the non? Main usage would be range use and possibly a HD gun.

I've got the 5" ported PC and 5" Pro. There's a noticeable reduction in muzzle rise. Sure gets the front sight dirty though.
The 5" Pro we have is not a CORE version. The trigger action on the Pro is nicer than a standard M&P, and the sights work very well for target work outside. The trigger action on the PC is excellent, standard plastic trigger notwithstanding. The porting flat out works. I've yet to get a RDS for it, and have made do with the suppressor height 3-dot sights. Both the Pro and PC have the more aggressively texture backstraps. The price difference might be significant, but the PC does not disappoint. As for specific pricing, that's something I can't help you with.
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