M&P shield survives dirt and water test

May 12, 2011
Feedback: 18 / 6 / 0
I was out shooting tonight with MrBB . I thought to myself well lets see if it can handle dirt and water.sorry we did not remember to take pictures.

Ammo used: WWB 115gr.

Dirt down open chamber. Shook put mag in. Racked.

All fired.

Second mag

Tried to use slide stop , it was all gritted up, had to hold back slide and push on slide stop.
Once chambered. All fired.

Submerged in tap water, swished around, pull out , mag in and shoot.

All rounds fired.

Spent the next hour regretting having done this because i realized i now need a gunsmith to detail strip the firing pin channel and frame since they are not as easy to takedown as a glock.
It was sure fun to watch the torture test. Was more fun trying to heat up the gun to get all the water out of it. Queen Bee noticed how I "remembered" the bag of rice trick after shooting all those rounds? ;)
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