M1911 Question

Dec 29, 2012
New Hampshire
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Who makes a traditional M1911? So far I've found the Remington R1 and the Springfield Armory Mil Spec. I'm really not keen on buying any Remingtons because of how they bent over and played "We're against the SAFE Act, but we'll keep selling 870s and other guns to NY police and we won't move or do anything about it." I'm also not a huge fan of SA because I know the XD is just a Croatian HS Produkt HS2000.

Is there anyone else? I prefer the SA to the Remington, worse comes to worse.
R1 like a mix of a m1911 and a m1911a1 with a lower ejection port.

I think the auto ordnance has a lower ejection port. Can't remember since its been like a year since I've seen my dads.

All parts minus frame 210
They also got rock island frames for 120$

So you'd get a decent 1911 for under 400$ and you could just use it as is till you want to upgrade trigger and barrel.
R1 like a mix of a m1911 and a m1911a1 with a lower ejection port.

I think the auto ordnance has a lower ejection port. Can't remember since its been like a year since I've seen my dads.

.45 1911 Auto Builders Kit, All Parts Less Frame - Includes New Slide
All parts minus frame 210
They also got rock island frames for 120$

So you'd get a decent 1911 for under 400$ and you could just use it as is till you want to upgrade trigger and barrel.

So tempted. How many builds can I have going at once right? [rofl]

Seriously, are they any good?
Worse case you get a new barrel and trigger set up. Even then you'd have less into it then most 1911's you'd buy.

I think you have to have it shipped to nh. The frame is a rock island I know people love them .

Heck I want the double stack they make .
1911fourm guys rave about rock island so I wouldn't worry about the frame.
If you can get it in the state .

Or you contact remsport and get one the way you want for little more .
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Auto Ord are very good for the money, very GI and American made. I had mine for a few years with no issues (except with the magazine). It's accurate (keep inmind the sights are small, like a GI 1911) and feels great in my hands. The ejection port is is lowered just a bit.
I've been away from this thread too long...

Anyways, I went to a local FFL and I asked about a new production Colt Series 70. His price is roughly $950, but he called his supplier about avaliability and hasn't called me back yet. I'll see what's up next week.
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