MA gun club open to instructors...


NES Member
Jun 3, 2008
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I figured I might as well post on NES before I start my phone and email expedition...

I am an MSP/NRA certified instructor in Mass and I am looking for a club that I can use to hold classes. Something in the metrowest area on eastbound...

Anyone know of a place off the top of their head? Not sure if most places are open to that unless you are a member...

Do you currently have any club memberships? Why not join a club that's instructor friendly?

I am a member at MRA currently. I am going to be calling them tomorrow.

I recently moved to the metrowest area, so I would like to find a club out here in the near future that is instructor friendly.

Do you know of any that are? There are a bunch of clubs out this way...
Worcester Pistol and Rifle club is very good and I believe instructor friendly. Harvard Sportsmen's club has incredible facilities and every shooting discipline you can think of. Not sure about their teaching policies.
I figured I might as well post on NES before I start my phone and email expedition...

I am an MSP/NRA certified instructor in Mass and I am looking for a club that I can use to hold classes. Something in the metrowest area on eastbound...

Anyone know of a place off the top of their head? Not sure if most places are open to that unless you are a member...


Do you currently have any club memberships? Why not join a club that's instructor friendly?

Many clubs are quite "closed" to having members use their facilities for teaching firearms safety. It doesn't make sense, but I've learned this from discussions at some clubs that I used to/currently belong to. In addition, I went scouting some other clubs in the area with the express purpose of using a more local club for teaching . . . the results aren't very heartening. Excuses vary from: only BOD members are allowed to teach here, we have one authorized instructor at this club, we require that you have insurance that specifically names the club as an "additional insured" in addition to insurance on yourself as an instructor (this endorsement usually costs you extra), the BOD has to approve you as an instructor (totally arbitrary) before they MAY authorize you to teach there, to we don't want anyone using our facilities to teach here.

At least Braintree R&P is "instructor friendly" and doesn't require you to sign over your first-born in order to use their facilities.

The chance that you'll find a club that will allow you to use their facilities to teach without you being a member I would assess to be in the negative percentage range.
Many clubs are quite "closed" to having members use their facilities for teaching firearms safety. It doesn't make sense

It does make sense. Clubs have non-trivial overhead (in the case of my club, property tax is about $15K, insurance about $5K and utilities run another $5K-$10K). If someone who is competent, and properly certified, wants to offer a class for the benefit of the club they will find they get plenty of support. When someone wants to offer a class and give the club a token amount of the profits, or compete with class offerings made by the club, the interest evaporates.

Members running their business from the club can also conflict with the flavor of a gun club - volunteers doing work for the benefit of the club. It might not bolster morale to have club members show up for work days to maintain the property, build stuff, etc. when another member spends their time at the club using their volunteer work as the basis to make $$.

The chance that you'll find a club that will allow you to use their facilities to teach without you being a member I would assess to be in the negative percentage range.

This tends to happen for pricey specialty courses (big name trainers who charge hundreds per day), or classes the club is not equipped to run on their own. We hosted Joel's Utah course at Hopkinton Sportsmens, and the club was paid about $300 for use of the clubhouse for one morning. Start offering clubs that kind of $$ and you may find some real interest.
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