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I forget the new gun guy's name but he didn't give us a hard time on our renewals. The guy before him, Bill Terry was awesome. He's retired now, I think he might be President of Hamilton Wenham Rod and Gun. When I first applied I was told to not give a bunch of different reasons as you may end up hanging yourself. All Lawful Purposes covers it all. I've heard of some Towns in Mass that won't except that reason but I don't think Beverly is one of them. When I first got my LTC, Beverly was very pro-2A. While surrounded by a Cesspool of Anti-2A, Danvers, Peabody and Salem. The way that I, my wife and daughters applied is we made an appointment with the gun guy and he sat you in a chair and entered your application into his computer. You can ask when you get your appointment if that is still the case. Welcome to NES and Beverly, although I'm trying desperately to leave the latter and retire in NH.

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