Mag parts

Mar 15, 2011
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In MA. I have a couple preban 30 Rd AR mags. Are you allowed to change springs and followers or is that a no go?
I don't know if there is even a written law regarding magazine "repair". It is, I think, the general consensus of the more knowledgable folks here on NES that spring/follower/bottom plate replacement is permissible.

IANAL..but I think that a lot of pre-ban magazines were basically stamped metal before they were even made into functional magazines.
MA AG has not made a public decision. IIRC the feds would allow you to replace any broken part and in the case of the body breaking you had to render inoperable (crush) and keep the old one.
I don't know if there is even a written law regarding magazine "repair". It is, I think, the general consensus of the more knowledgable folks here on NES that spring/follower/bottom plate replacement is permissible.


Chris is correct. No written law or guidance is or ever will be forthcoming. ASS-U-MPTIONS are that this is OK to do, but nobody has "tested" it yet in MA.
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