Maine Service Rifle Championship 7/10-7/11


NES Member
May 6, 2005
Feedback: 19 / 0 / 0
Just a reminder that the Maine State Service Rifle Championship will be held up in Hampden next Saturday, July 10th to be followed up with a CMP Garand Match and a CMP EIC "Leg" Match on Sunday. Saturday's match will be an 80-rd Regional Match course.

Come one, come all. Always a well-run and enjoyable match to shoot. Bushmaster has donated a rifle, Sierra sent a voucher for 500 bullets, and maybe a few other prizes. These prizes are drawn at random from a hat.
Hampden is maybe ten minutes from Bangor. I love eating at the Dysarts truck stop in Hampden. Really good diner style food open 24/7.
How far is Hampden from Bangor? Could one stay at the Hollywood Slots over the weekend? Would that be a good Hotel? or what would be a good Hotel?

Like richc said: Hollywood Slots is about 10 minutes from the range. No idea how expensive that place is compared to other National-chain places, but a quick internet search will set you on the right path.
Pat: what are the match fees gonna be? Ive been meaning to come check out that range. Everyone keeps talking about how nice it is up there. Gonna have to find lodging though. Bangor is a long drive to make twice in one weekend.
OK, Roger That. I know about the old internet search idea......Just looking for "Local Knowledge" (PatMcD - from ME.) of the area. My last experience of the Bangor area was the "Oronoka Lounge" and the "Bounty tavern".

I wasn't trying to be being a smart-ass about it (on reading it, though, it sounds that way). I stay with my Dad up there and don't of anybody on here who is local to Bangor to recommend a motel.
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Pat: what are the match fees gonna be? Ive been meaning to come check out that range. Everyone keeps talking about how nice it is up there. Gonna have to find lodging though. Bangor is a long drive to make twice in one weekend.

Match fees for Saturday might be a little higher than normal because there are prizes and usually a hamburgers and hotdogs afterwards (not sure about the food afterwards). If you shoot all weekend, I bet it would be $50.
yup, I'll be there.

I'm gonna drag the gf out of bed saturday at about 3am, likely kicking and screaming, and toss her in the car with the rest of my gear. we're gonna get a hotel for saturday night though. no need to make that drive twice. luckily her car gets almost 3x the mileage my truck does [laugh]

(she'll get over it)
When Brent & Payton came up they stayed at my house. We all shot the same score that weekend. If anyone want a place to crash let me know.

fun match today. got the rifle detail stripped and laid out on the bench downstairs, drying out haha.

thanks to the guys @ Hampden for putting on a fun match! good shootin by all.

the gf snapped 150 or so pictures today (mostly of me lol), so i'll pick a few choice examples and upload em a bit later tonight.

Pat and/or Brian...sent an email to dave dow...i left my camelback under the covered line @ 600, are either of you going tomorrow, and could grab it for me? (i'll send ya a few bucks to cover shipping, but i cant make a 250mile drive (each way) to go get it lol.
congrats to PatMcD btw, who took 1st Place Master! nice shooting Pat!

eh, got 1 good one with the view from the "grassy knoll". i doubt anyone actually wants to see me in each of the various positions lol, so instead, here's one of my laying in a puddle, shortly before my pants soaked up the rest of the water on my mat lol

congrats to PatMcD btw, who took 1st Place Master! nice shooting Pat!

eh, got 1 good one with the view from the "grassy knoll". i doubt anyone actually wants to see me in each of the various positions lol, so instead, here's one of my laying in a puddle, shortly before my pants soaked up the rest of the water on my mat lol


So how's that new mat working out for you, btw?
try it out tomorrow, see for youself. (short answer....effing AWESOME. prone rapids are RIGHT back where they should be [smile])

Wish I could, and thanks for the offer, but I'm not going to be back from vacation until some time in the afternoon. I guess the next time I'll see you is at the Nashua LEG match.
too bad ya missed the midrange match dave.

ever shot a 1000yd reduced target @ 600yds? with a service rifle? holy crap that sucked.

for size reference (not the best picture), the hospital target all the way on the left is a standard 600yd MR-1 target. the bull's to the right are the 1000yd reduced to 600yd targets (dunno the number).


looking at that, with a post sight, with the mirage 'a boiling, was by far the most difficult target ive ever shot.

anyone else here going to the regionals @ Nashua next week?
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congrats to PatMcD btw, who took 1st Place Master! nice shooting Pat!

I think some congrats are in order for Jeff too. 1st Place Expert, right?

And yeah, those 1000 yard reduced targets are quite the challenge. Helps if you have a barrel that actually groups under 6 feet.... Thanks again for lending me your gear. (Again....)
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Here are all the gory details for anybody interested:

Kind of sucked that it turned into a 50-rd'er, but we are all drier because of it.
Jeff, it was nice to meet you and the GF. Your sitting score seems pretty good to me. Have you made any changes or just done more practicing/shooting?
The EIC Match on Sunday was even wetter than Saturday.
I'll be going to the EIC match on Sunday in Nashua, but not the Saturday one. Gotta get my mindset ready for Perry. Wish I had the time, though so I could confirm my zeros!

WRT the 1000yd reduced, is the bull the same size as the 600 with just tighter rings? I can't even imagine!!
I think some congrats are in order for Jeff too. 1st Place Expert, right?

And yeah, those 1000 yard reduced targets are quite the challenge. Helps if you have a barrel that actually groups under 6 feet.... Thanks again for lending me your gear. (Again....)

heh, thanks. i shot okay. offhand was meh (91x1), sitting went good (98x5, just squeaked out 2 9's), rapid prone was the same (97x2 iirc), and aside from me pulling my hair out having to challenge my second record shot @ 600 (marked a miss, redisc'd, miss again, challenged, and they found the 7, right where i said it was lol. 187x3 iirc). finished out with a 473x11. shoulda been a ~ 485 or so if i'd shot my average.

if loaning you a rifle for 600 means you shoot (instead of go home), you're welcome to it any time. i'd rather see more people on the line. i'm rebarreling this winter anyways lol.

Here are all the gory details for anybody interested:

Kind of sucked that it turned into a 50-rd'er, but we are all drier because of it.
Jeff, it was nice to meet you and the GF. Your sitting score seems pretty good to me. Have you made any changes or just done more practicing/shooting?
The EIC Match on Sunday was even wetter than Saturday.

i did. went from a tight cross legged position to a more relaxed half crossed leg / half crossed ankle, and lean out over my legs instead of on top of them. it's WAY less comfortable, but WAY more stable. so far, so good.

I'll be going to the EIC match on Sunday in Nashua, but not the Saturday one. Gotta get my mindset ready for Perry. Wish I had the time, though so I could confirm my zeros!

WRT the 1000yd reduced, is the bull the same size as the 600 with just tighter rings? I can't even imagine!!

Dave, the bull is ~ 1/2 the size, with tighter scoring rings. one guy on the line mentioned it's almost a physically impossible target to shoot with a service rifle (there isnt enough mass to the target to actually focus on much of anything, your eyes simply dont have THAT much flexibility).

pic for reference. all the way on the left is a regular 600yd bull. the rest of the targets are the 1000yd -> 600yd reduced targets.

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MSgt Edwards earned the six pts. If we had only three more non-Distinguished shooters, we could have given out two Legs[angry].
I got the Gold (beat Sgt Bartman by one X[smile]).

Hope you are OK.
AFAIK, you can shoot an "unlimited" number of EIC's if you're already distinguished (for chances to win a Gold/Silver medal, etc). for non-distinguished, you're still limited to 3 EIC matches per calender year (4 if you shoot the NTI @ Camp Perry)....5 if you shoot the "cheater match" (M16 EIC at the end of the SAFS, but from what i've found, you can only shoot that if you currently have no points, and have completed the entire SAFS).

i've got one for the year thus far....1 more sunday @ Nashua (regionals), and 1 more the weekend after @ Reading (mass state service rifle championships).

also, if you're non-distinguished, SOMETIMES they'll let you shoot in a tandem "Directors Match". you'll shoot the COF of a regular leg match, but your scorecard doesnt get turned in (which pisses some people off since you arent counted in with the non-distinguished shooters for more LEGs)
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