Make the Like button great again

definitely need a thumbs down button
I would hold out hope that NES is above things like this. Negative for being a bad seller or buyer, sure. Getting sand in someone's mangina happens now and again. If negative reps for reading things you don't agree with is that important you shouldn't be on the Internet.

I have always found it childish.
I would hold out hope that NES is above things like this. Negative for being a bad seller or buyer, sure. Getting sand in someone's mangina happens now and again. If negative reps for reading things you don't agree with is that important you shouldn't be on the Internet.

I have always found it childish.
not negreps like in Feedback.. just a simple post thumbs down.

it's a simple way to say your post sucks, without getting into an online pissing match.

it's the general internet way.. every platform FB/IG/LI/etc.. all likes, no dislikes.. it inflates your endorphins to see gee.. I have 5 likes.. my post must be good.. but in reality, there were 50 ppl who would dislike if they could..
it's a simple way to say your post sucks, without getting into an online pissing match.

it's the general internet way.. every platform FB/IG/LI/etc.. all likes, no dislikes.. it inflates your endorphins to see gee.. I have 5 likes.. my post must be good.. but in reality, there were 50 ppl who would dislike if they could..
I get that but for me I have always hated it and found it to be Romper Room silliness. But that's me.
I would hold out hope that NES is above things like this. Negative for being a bad seller or buyer, sure. Getting sand in someone's mangina happens now and again. If negative reps for reading things you don't agree with is that important you shouldn't be on the Internet.

I have always found it childish.
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