Man arrested after shotgun lesson rattles neighbor

May 17, 2009
Harrison, Maine
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MONT VERNON – A shooting lesson for his girlfriend landed a Mont Vernon man in jail over the weekend, charged with reckless conduct for allegedly firing a shotgun toward his neighbor's home.

Troy Gagnon, 23, was teaching Laura Emmons how to shoot at Gagnon's home, 61 Mason Road, on Saturday. After allegedly shooting one round from his .20-gauge shotgun, Gagnon let Emmons shoot a round with his help, according to court documents.

Troy Gagnon, 23, of Mont Vernon was arrested on a felony charge of reckless conduct after allegedly firing a shotgun toward his neighbor's home Saturday.

But the blast from the shotgun was a bit too close for comfort for the neighbor who lives across the street. He was outside with his two children at the time, and at least one of the two shots fired was allegedly aimed in the direction of his house, authorities said.

Im confused... maybe that is a really old map.. but if this guy was in his own yard... i dont see andy house that would be closer then 300 feet.... hell even 500 feet away... [thinking]
The neighbor, upon hearing both shots being fired, called the police and, according to court documents, when the police questioned Gagnon he allegedly denied firing the gun at all. However, when Emmons was questioned, she allegedly said Gagnon had shot the first round and helped her shoot the second.

I think the whole thing is bogus but I bet this guy didn't do himself any favors by lying to the police about it.

I think the whole thing is bogus but I bet this guy didn't do himself any favors by lying to the police about it.

Lying just raises the "ok, so what is he hiding?" question. It may well be he went a couple hundred feet from his house towards another house without really thinking about it. I suspect this guy didn't know the law and really was inside the limit. MV PD is very pro 2-a/2nd.

Most of Hillsborough Co. is pretty pro 2-a/2A. In nice weather, we hear shots all the time here and no one thinks twice about it and we're about as closely packed as that part of MV. Some guy up the road has a mini range out behind his place and pops off rounds in groups of 5 pretty regularly; I suspect he reloads. It makes me really mad when I'm out mowing the lawn and he's having himself a good old time. [wink]
Well, I just pulled up the plat map for MV.

#61 Mason is a narrow lot -- about 125 feet wide by 500 feet long. If this guy was in his front or west side yard, he could have well been within the 300 foot range of two neighbors across the road.

Google maps, by the way, puts this house way to the west of where it really is. I suspect we have a guy who just didn't know the law and choked when the cops showed up.
Though originally held on $10,000 cash, Crocker reduced Gagnon's bail to $10,000 personal recognizance and ordered him to have no contact with his neighbors, to surrender all weapons, and to refrain from using any drugs or alcohol.

Could alcohol possibly have been involved?
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