I worked a British Airways flight at BWI. I unloaded the back Cargo Bay. At
each flight there is an Armored car to collect a money bag coming back from the UK.
This is the first bag that gets unloaded. Normally the Guards take the bag and drive off.
This night something happened near the front of the plane which took their attention
away from the task at hand. The Other baggage handler grabbed the bag and put it
with the rest of the luggage from that bay and drove off to the baggage claim area.
The Guards came up into the plane to look for the bag, But it was going round and round
the belt at Baggage Claim. After the Keystone Cops fiasco looking for the bag, a PAX agent
came out and asked if we were looking for the bag she was carrying. I believe the bag
holds a couple million in US currency per flight.