Manual safety on M&P Bodyguard 380


NES Member
Mar 7, 2014
South Shore, MA
Feedback: 18 / 0 / 0
Purchased a Bodyguard 380 for occasional pocket carry since my j-frame is just a little bit to big for that role. The problem is it that it's the version with the manual safety, and I don't like manual safeties on a carry gun. My usual carry is a CZ PCR (DA/SA with no safety), so I don't train to deactivate the safety with my thumb and I'm concerned about forgetting to do that if I ever actually need to use the gun in a defensive scenario. Training one way with the CZ, and another way with the Bodyguard might cause confusion when the adrenaline dump hits, so I'm trying to keep things consistent. I do have the option of just carrying with the safety off, but I'm paranoid about accidentally activating it and not realizing it.

The safety lever is easily removed, and Galloway Precision makes a frame insert that sits in place of the removed safety (which from what I understand, is more or less identical to the factory model that S&W used to offer without the safety). I've thought about doing this, but there are concerns of this being used against me in criminal or civil court, to try and establish negligence or disregard for human life (Massad Ayoob, most notably, has written and spoken about this issue). However, since S&W does (or did at one time) offer a factory version of the same gun without the safety (which I would have bought instead if I were able to find one), I figure this might not be as big of an issue as removing a safety device from a gun where that were not the case. It might also be worth noting that I have installed a heavier trigger pull (about 20% heavier, in order to fix an issue with light strikes), which I would argue would actually make the gun safer.

Since NES is known worldwide as a premier forum for legal advice, I figured I would propose the question to you esteemed experts on this here forum. Am I screwed if I remove the safety? Are there any known cases where a removed thumb safety was the basis for the case agains a defendant? If the safety is left on, has anyone had, or heard of, any experiences with this particular firearm where the safety was engaged accidentally due to a loose safety switch, broken spring, etc?

Either way, as soon as I escape to a free state I'm buying an LCP because the Bodyguard sucks.
Have a bodyguard with the safety - I don't worry about it since it's hard to actuate.

Plenty here will talk the BG380 down who have never actually spent any real time with one
They suck compared to a nice striker fired gun - that's not what they are
They suck compared to a single action trigger - again not what it is

It's great as a tiny "oh shit" piece that will go bang every time and have restrike capability when your amped up on adrenaline
Have EDC...never used the safety...the stock trigger is plenty robust in the pipe even... 🤫 ...YMMV...

Just re-read your post...a 20% heavier pull? must need two hands to pull it.

And the safety is fairly tight as well, never had an issue accidentally putting it "on".

If it is that bad, get something else...I happen to like the gun...matches ALL my outfits.
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I had and carried a bodyguard for a while. Like others have said, the 25# trigger made me never worry about it being safe to carry. The safety on mine seemed awfully difficult to engage, so I never worried about it being accidently activated.

I wouldn't remove the safety, not because of what Ayoob says, but because doing so is an answer in search of a question. Why make the simple complicated?

Don't worry about what Ayoob says, I bet he doesn't like grip safeties taped down on 1911s, either.
Have a bodyguard with the safety - I don't worry about it since it's hard to actuate.
Agreed. That tiny little tab is hard to move, so if I were to set it to off, I wouldn't be too worried about it getting accidentally put back on.

Plenty here will talk the BG380 down who have never actually spent any real time with one
They suck compared to a nice striker fired any other gun, and possibly most sharp sticks - that's not what they are
Fixed it for you.

Maybe it's just my well worn copy, but the fact it light strikes as much as it does across all ammo types makes me not trust it with my life. Maybe I should try to replace some springs. Although, my buddy who transferred this to me for free probably did so for this exact reason.
Plenty here will talk the BG380 down who have never actually spent any real time with one
They suck compared to a nice striker fired gun - that's not what they are
They suck compared to a single action trigger - again not what it is

It's great as a tiny "oh shit" piece that will go bang every time and have restrike capability when your amped up on adrenaline

I have. They are absolutely terrible. I also have sold a lot of them at retail in an environment where people can pick an LCP instead. /nobody/ buys the BG380 unless they're a "smith" person (there are a ton of these, which honestly I think is how they stay in business) or otherwise infatuated with the laser model. (Although i haven't seen one of those in awhile). Horrible, excessively long, late breaking trigger. Some versions have a pot metal barrel. = "How about no" lol. It's objectively mediocre gun on its best day. You could do far worse though. You could have an AMT back up DAO or some other rof/sns junker, but the BG380 is only a couple inches above that sea of detreitus.
I have. They are absolutely terrible. I also have sold a lot of them at retail in an environment where people can pick an LCP instead. /nobody/ buys the BG380 unless they're a "smith" person (there are a ton of these, which honestly I think is how they stay in business) or otherwise infatuated with the laser model. (Although i haven't seen one of those in awhile). Horrible, excessively long, late breaking trigger. Some versions have a pot metal barrel. = "How about no" lol. It's objectively mediocre gun on its best day. You could do far worse though. You could have an AMT back up DAO or some other rof/sns junker, but the BG380 is only a couple inches above that sea of detreitus.
I would have grabbed an LCP except the BG came around at a price that was good for it.
I should have been more clear - For the low prices you can pickup a non-laser BG it is a decent option for something that you don't have to worry about.
I have. They are absolutely terrible. I also have sold a lot of them at retail in an environment where people can pick an LCP instead. /nobody/ buys the BG380 unless they're a "smith" person (there are a ton of these, which honestly I think is how they stay in business) or otherwise infatuated with the laser model. (Although i haven't seen one of those in awhile). Horrible, excessively long, late breaking trigger. Some versions have a pot metal barrel. = "How about no" lol. It's objectively mediocre gun on its best day. You could do far worse though. You could have an AMT back up DAO or some other rof/sns junker, but the BG380 is only a couple inches above that sea of detreitus.
I agree. It's a terrible gun and the only reason I bought it was because I didn't think I'd be able to get an .380 LCP in MA without jumping through proverbial hoops. I was under the impression that only the .22 version was available here (and the safety on the 22 bothers me even more than the one on the BG).
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Sell that hunk of shit. I had one when they 1st came out.... gross.

Get a G42 or something similar
/nobody/ buys the BG380 unless they're a "smith" person (there are a ton of these, which honestly I think is how they stay in business) or otherwise infatuated with the laser model. (Although i haven't seen one of those in awhile).
S&W definitely knows this and ended up re-branding the BG380 to call it the "M&P BG380" in the more recent iteration, capitalizing on the notion of the more successful M&P line. They even dolled up the slide with the fish scale serrations like the rest of the M&P line, despite the BG380 sharing zero other design features to rightfully call it M&P. They just know "Smith" people will eat it up.

Mine is the older model with straight serrations. Trigger is indeed terrible, and I feel like my index finger is in my palm by the time it breaks, at which point it is a 50/50 if it then goes bang. But again, mine is old and well worn. Might need some guts replaced, so I'll leave room for some positive speculation.
Sell that hunk of shit. I had one when they 1st came out.... gross.

Get a G42 or something similar
I also was going to suggest a G42. The LCP max is really nice and comes with 10 round magazines. That’s a lot of bang for the small size.

This is with a 12 round magazine. I engraved “preban” on it to fool Maura.
G42 with +2 extension and Lasermax light/laser combo. Still fits comfortably in my pocket, but bigger than the LCP.
LCP Max and G42/43 will be too big for OP if he can't even get a j-frame to work. Otherwise the P365 would be the obvious choice.
LCP II in .380 is easy enough to get in MA if you do your homework and go to the right sources. Hell with the new updates Ruger made look around at an LCP+ now or whatever they’re called, only very slightly larger than the LCP II.
LCP II in .380 is easy enough to get in MA if you do your homework and go to the right sources. Hell with the new updates Ruger made look around at an LCP+ now or whatever they’re called, only very slightly larger than the LCP II.
I was too lazy to do the homework, and I got impatient and wanted something now. In hindsight I should have just gone for the LCP, but live and learn I guess. Will have to try and make it work for now, and go after the Ruger once I scrounge up the funds for it.

On an unrelated note, does anybody want to buy an M&P Bodyfuard 380? 🤣🤣🤣
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LCP Max and G42/43 will be too big for OP if he can't even get a j-frame to work. Otherwise the P365 would be the obvious choice.
With a wheel gun, the width of the cylinder can be problematic. I wear loose pants, so it’s perfectly doable, but if you are into “trendy” clothes it may be a problem.
With a wheel gun, the width of the cylinder can be problematic. I wear loose pants, so it’s perfectly doable, but if you are into “trendy” clothes it may be a problem.
This is a bug part of why I'm moving away from the j-frame for some applications. Not that I'm wearing skinny jeans or nothing, but its just a bit too bulky around the cylinder.
I was too lazy to do the homework, and I got impatient and wanted something now. In hindsight I should have just gone for the LCP, but live and learn I guess. Will have to try and make it work for now, and go after the Ruger once I scrounge up the funds for it.

On an unrelated note, does anybody want to buy an M&P Bodyfuard 380? 🤣🤣🤣
Put it up in the classifieds for 250.00, set up your next purchase of an LCP II (mine was only $275.00), Max/Plus or whatever while you’re waiting for a bite and when it sells consider that $ reimbursement towards the new heater. ‘Rah?
I have. They are absolutely terrible. I also have sold a lot of them at retail in an environment where people can pick an LCP instead. /nobody/ buys the BG380 unless they're a "smith" person (there are a ton of these, which honestly I think is how they stay in business) or otherwise infatuated with the laser model. (Although i haven't seen one of those in awhile). Horrible, excessively long, late breaking trigger. Some versions have a pot metal barrel. = "How about no" lol. It's objectively mediocre gun on its best day. You could do far worse though. You could have an AMT back up DAO or some other rof/sns junker, but the BG380 is only a couple inches above that sea of detreitus.

I'll have to look into the LCP, wasn't really aware of them when I got my BG (got it used, from a friend a while back). Have to check it size wise but from what I can see it's comparable. I do agree with what @pastera said though, people tend to compare the BG to completely unrelated types of gun. I'm actually a Ruger guy vs. Smith although I own a few of each. If you're looking for micro .380 DAO, which I was for a specific application, then the BG fits the bill. Sounds like LCP may fit it a little better and I'll probably end up getting one.
Have a bodyguard with the safety - I don't worry about it since it's hard to actuate.

Plenty here will talk the BG380 down who have never actually spent any real time with one
They suck compared to a nice striker fired gun - that's not what they are
They suck compared to a single action trigger - again not what it is

It's great as a tiny "oh shit" piece that will go bang every time and have restrike capability when your amped up on adrenaline
Well, it depends on maintenance. In my experience, it like to be wet.

It may need some modifications for it to cycle properly/polished feed ramp.
I'll have to look into the LCP, wasn't really aware of them when I got my BG (got it used, from a friend a while back). Have to check it size wise but from what I can see it's comparable. I do agree with what @pastera said though, people tend to compare the BG to completely unrelated types of gun. I'm actually a Ruger guy vs. Smith although I own a few of each. If you're looking for micro .380 DAO, which I was for a specific application, then the BG fits the bill. Sounds like LCP may fit it a little better and I'll probably end up getting one.
The LCP II in .380, while it certainly isn’t an end all winner for micros by any means, and it can be finicky on ammo so testing and note taking should be required by a thinking person before carrying it, it is still a far sight better all around than the BG or a Gen 01 LCP (which should get a trigger replacement right out of the box). The Gen 01 triggers sucked as much as the BG trigger IMO.
I'll have to look into the LCP, wasn't really aware of them when I got my BG (got it used, from a friend a while back). Have to check it size wise but from what I can see it's comparable. I do agree with what @pastera said though, people tend to compare the BG to completely unrelated types of gun. I'm actually a Ruger guy vs. Smith although I own a few of each. If you're looking for micro .380 DAO, which I was for a specific application, then the BG fits the bill. Sounds like LCP may fit it a little better and I'll probably end up getting one.

If you have a BG that isn't poop (50% of the issues are QC) then it's probably not a huge life altering upgrade its just that side by side the LCP seems like an obvious winner. The II especially but even vs the old lcp...
The LCP II in .380, while it certainly isn’t an end all winner for micros by any means, and it can be finicky on ammo so testing and note taking should be required by a thinking person before carrying it, it is still a far sight better all around than the BG or a Gen 01 LCP (which should get a trigger replacement right out of the box). The Gen 01 triggers sucked as much as the BG trigger IMO.
At least the original LCP trigger isn't 100 miles long and is like 3lb less heavy lol
It’s always weird to me that people tell you how much the BG380 sucks because of the heavy trigger.

Yeah, no doy.
The weight of the trigger is just the shit topping on the cake, but its that pull length thats really bizzare.

If the trigger was the only issue itd be one thing, but these guns are broken at a much higher rate than most other SW products even. Poor QC and sometimes poor materials. It's obvious this product came from the same line of thinking as the original Sigma 380, AKA a pistol with a fixed lifespan lmao
At least the original LCP trigger isn't 100 miles long and is like 3lb less heavy lol
Right. lol Ya not quite as bad, but the II’s trigger is much better IMO out of the box and doesn’t need immediate replacement.
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