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IMO the only real deal that the ammo guys had was the 124 Grain 9mm Speer

GDHPs they were selling, two boxes of 50 for $25.      Good stuff at

not too bad a price, considering the norm is like $16 for 20 rounds.    This is

good for those of us who burned through the $50/250 round 9mm +P

packs that don't seem to exist anymore.   

I had to laugh pretty hard though at the pricing on the 7.62 x 39...  "last

cases in the country"  sure.... yeah, thats it.    I know the supply end

pricing on that stuff has gone up a bit, but its still less than $180.

Would have been nice to have the other ammo guy to beat them up

on pricing.  

The "most failed marketing trick award" goes to McElhineys, and I got one of

those "$5 off my already rediculously expensive lowest price on the tag

price" thrust into my hand.    While he has a lot of nice guns, the pricing on

most of them was not wonderful. 

The "most annoying booth" goes to the DGS booth.... where there are

a ton of Gen3 glocks with "no ma" stickers on them in tiny print.     So you

see one from afar, start to salivate, and as you get a closer look, you get

let down.    This is MA....   why the heck even display merchandise that the

majority of the  show patrons can't even buy?   (Unless theres some secret

code word or some juju that makes that sticker disappear... lol)

I do think the Tombstone Guns booth was pretty amazing though, they

seemed to have a buttload of MA-exempt goodies there, bunches of

colts and even like two Delta Elites there.     At least all their stuff sold

was buyable, thats for sure.     They took the cake as far as handgun

selection went.   If I had brought enough cash with me I wouldnt have

been able to get past that booth without filling out papers.  :)

Overall though it was not nearly as good as the last one.   I ended up

buying 4 boxes of GDHPs, a couple of glock 20 mags, and then spent the

rest of what little money I brought over at MLE's booth buying some mag

pouches and a mini range bag.      FWIW, props to MLE... Mike is easy

to deal with and his products seem to be top notch. 


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