Massachusetts Bill HD.4420 "An act to modernize gun Laws"

For me to jump and say "No, dude, the earth is round, they really did land on the moon." isn't going to change your worldview but, sorry, you just disagree with me, may think I'm an a**h*** too. I'm sitting here packing up my shit for a long overdue range trip and ogling an EDC-X9 I want and seeing used prices in MA exceed retail prices new and being pissed off about it just like the rest of you. Not an 'agent' of anyone but myself. Oh, and yes, the earth is round and, yes, the Apollo landings were real.
Lol nobody who knows better pays more than you would anywhere else, that just exemplifies how little you know.
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Well, I am off to a free state in the morning for an overdue vacation (North Carolina). I emailed, called and fumed over this so I did what I could. Fingers crossed that this doesnt pass but I am not confident. I am going to try my best to not go online but I doubt I will be completely successful. Looking forward to some range time down there with an old friend, a retired SEAL.

Back from vacation, had a great time in a free state. Pretty much stayed off the internet. I see that I missed 1,254 posts to this thread.... Anything happen? What did I miss? [laugh]
Who is paying your salary as controlled opposition? Curious minds want to know.... just be honest for once instead of trying to lie to the entire board and thinking that we're going to buy into it.
I just want to know the names of his imaginary friends who are going to sit down at the bargaining table with us and "Bargain" with us.
They don't exist .
Still waiting for specific examples of your approach working for gun owners.

That's it, that's the tweet. That's what they do. Lobbying organization. It's how crap works. It's crappy, but it's how it works. What doesn't work is a bunch of keyboard warriors on a message board saying "I will not comply." It may be one (or more) folks on a message board who file a lawsuit when lobbying fails. It may be one or more folks on a message board getting behind a candidate who'll advocate for our rights. It absolutely is a bunch of folks on a message board calling and writing their reps to say "No!" (and I loved how many here pulled together, did that, posted their experiences, pushed their friends to do the same which very much included me)... but what it's not is a a guy sitting behind his desk, looking over at his safe and saying "I will not comply." That guy? It's only a matter of time before he's Randy Weaver Part Deux.

Posturing is at best pathetic, and, at worst, destructive.

"I'm not 'driving' officer, I'm 'traveling" is pig ignorant legal suicide." and that's what "I will not comply" is.

That's it, that's the tweet. That's what they do. Lobbying organization. It's how crap works. It's crappy, but it's how it works. What doesn't work is a bunch of keyboard warriors on a message board saying "I will not comply." It may be one (or more) folks on a message board who file a lawsuit when lobbying fails. It may be one or more folks on a message board getting behind a candidate who'll advocate for our rights. It absolutely is a bunch of folks on a message board calling and writing their reps to say "No!" (and I loved how many here pulled together, did that, posted their experiences, pushed their friends to do the same which very much included me)... but what it's not is a a guy sitting behind his desk, looking over at his safe and saying "I will not comply." That guy? It's only a matter of time before he's Randy Weaver Part Deux.

Posturing is at best pathetic, and, at worst, destructive.

"I'm not 'driving' officer, I'm 'traveling" is pig ignorant legal suicide." and that's what "I will not comply" is.
Ironic. I'm not sure what it is you think you are doing/are. Anyways back to the point...

You say GOAL is an example of your strategy working... yet here we are discussing 4420 which would essentially end the 2A in the commonwealth. So try again.
Ironic. I'm not sure what it is you think you are doing/are. Anyways back to the point...

You say GOAL is an example of your strategy working... yet here we are discussing 4420 which would essentially end the 2A in the commonwealth. So try again.
Which GOAL was instrumental in rallying folks to push back on and which they (and I) called absolutely unacceptable garbage. It's interesting to see folks queueing up for the R.I. LTC. live fire qualification in another thread. Seems like more folks are headed for an R.I. license than ever got them before by complying with a post Bruen condition (It's nuts that it's at 25 yards despite the "if you ever actually shot somebody 75 feet away in 'self defense' you'd be headed for jail" [Elisjsha Dicken awesomeness notwithstanding[) reality) the required score should still be attainable for anyone remotely capable of effectively carrying a pistol.)
Which GOAL was instrumental in rallying folks to push back on and which they (and I) called absolutely unacceptable garbage. It's interesting to see folks queueing up for the R.I. LTC. live fire qualification in another thread. Seems like more folks are headed for an R.I. license than ever got them before by complying with a post Bruen condition (It's nuts that it's at 25 yards despite the "if you ever actually shot somebody 75 feet away in 'self defense' you'd be headed for jail" [Elisjsha Dicken awesomeness notwithstanding[) reality) the required score should still be attainable for anyone remotely capable of effectively carrying a pistol.)
Cool story. Has nothing to do with what you've been arguing. I'll just be ignoring your drivel from now on. You can count me in the camp that doesn't roll over and play dead when big daddy .gov looks to take away my rights.

Those of us who actually care about the 2A would appreciate it if you sat this one out.
Cool story. Has nothing to do with what you've been arguing. I'll just be ignoring your drivel from now on. You can count me in the camp that doesn't roll over and play dead when big daddy .gov looks to take away my rights.

Those of us who actually care about the 2A would appreciate it if you sat this one out.
Please, Feel free to ignore every post I make. Click my avatar and you'll see an "Ignore" button. Two clicks, easy peasy, and I won't take offense or notice for that matter. I promise.
The one other strategy I see posted here that could work is the folks talking about getting candidates on the ballot. Ideally, you get ones with the resources to make the incumbent antis nervous enough to focus on that risk instead. To pose a real threat to any incumbent, they'll have to talk a good game about 'common sense gun control' or they'll get too few votes.

I would absolutely toss some cash at almost anyone not completely batshit who'd run against Day.
So I see you are a Day plant. Could not be a bigger traitor than Day to 2A supporters. That a**h*** got money from the Gifford anti-gun platform. The following day (no pun intended) after his "listening tour" he submits a 141 page fraud on the Massachusetts citizenry. Please go f*** yourself......
So I see you are a Day plant. Could not be a bigger traitor than Day to 2A supporters. That a**h*** got money from the Gifford anti-gun platform. The following day (no pun intended) after his "listening tour" he submits a 141 page fraud on the Massachusetts citizenry. Please go f*** yourself......
Quote a post of me saying explicitly that yes, we should run a candidate against Day and his ilk, that they'd have to be a real threat to his re-election. That I'd donate money to such a campaign and, therefore I am a Day plant.

I am truly in awe of the... Mind-Blown.jpeg
Quote a post of me saying explicitly that yes, we should run a candidate against Day and his ilk, that they'd have to be a real threat to his re-election. That I'd donate money to such a campaign and, therefore I am a Day plant.

I am truly in awe of the...View attachment 779589
2a people are hardhead,set in their way.u should not wasted anymore times with your ideal,as a gunowner you should know a few more months the communist politicians will come back with anather gun control bill,so they can get pay, and what ever happend will happend. Untill then let just hit the gunrange and enjoy what little bit of freedom that we have left.
So I see you are a Day plant. Could not be a bigger traitor than Day to 2A supporters. That a**h*** got money from the Gifford anti-gun platform. The following day (no pun intended) after his "listening tour" he submits a 141 page fraud on the Massachusetts citizenry. Please go f*** yourself......
Everybody gets that wrong, it was the red t-shirt listening tour.
2a people are hardhead,set in their way.u should not wasted anymore times with your ideal,as a gunowner you should know a few more months the communist politicians will come back with anather gun control bill,so they can get pay, and what ever happend will happend. Untill then let just hit the gunrange and enjoy what little bit of freedom that we have left.
Quote from the Warsaw ghetto 1944?
2a people are hardhead,set in their way.u should not wasted anymore times with your ideal,as a gunowner you should know a few more months the communist politicians will come back with anather gun control bill,so they can get pay, and what ever happend will happend. Untill then let just hit the gunrange and enjoy what little bit of freedom that we have left.
You are certainly correct in that the Boston Beautiful People have not given up on their belief that if only the rest of the inhabitants of the People's Democratic Socialist Republic would unquestioningly accept and clasp to their breasts the command guidance generously being put forward on Beacon Hill then this would be a better and more perfect world. According to the prevailing opinion in Boston the great unwashed in the hinterlands are sadly just ignorant beasts of burden useful for the harvesting of votes and frankly little else.

What these political elite have forgotten in their self-congratulatory pontifications regarding whether.....if at citizens should be allowed the legal right to avail themselves of access to arms should they so choose to do so is that the so-called Little People are fed up with all levels of government these days. This systemic dissatisfaction ranges from the federal level as manifested by unelected bureaucrats issuing dictates on what they can purchase for their homes, choices of vehicles to drive and how they are supposed to indoctrinate their children in the narrative of the current party line all the way to the state and local levels where the self-chosen and self-anointed guardians of all that is right have gathered unto themselves the overarching determinative power of deciding if a member of this citizenry should be ALLOWED to even consider the concept of providing self-defense for their families and themselves much less have access to the tools necessary to bring that desire to fruition.

One is reminded of the irony that the foundational seeds of armed dissent which began the American Revolution actually began on April 19, 1775 here in the Republic when Captain John Parker ordered his men in the Lexington militia to fire upon Lieutenant Colonel Francis Smith's British regulars who had arrived to confiscate the colonist's arms. This is not just an inconvenient historical fact it is more importantly distressingly embarrassing in light of the codified belief in unicorn tears and pixie dust that at present is emanating from Boston similar to the unpleasant aromatic olfactory sense one gets when passing by a compost pile that should have been turned over a long time ago.

Regrettably, given the inherent political inclinations of the Republic, there will always be a legislative attempt to ensure that decent men and woman are severely restricted in their legal ability to access the tools necessary for addressing the desire to avoid becoming crime blotter entries thru no fault of their own. The difference, this time, is that the pejoratively labeled Silent Majority have arrived at the conclusion that if they do not rise up and loudly and unambiguously make their point of view known near and far then they are facing the distinct possibility of having to try to navigate a dystopian society that was not of their making in the first place.

Chicago, Seattle, New York City are all current examples of what a dogmatic adherence to failed administrative social policies that defy common sense will not unexpectedly result in and a ground swelling of the Republic citizenry have decided that they want no part of trying to survive in that dark, forlorn and hopeless environment. The attempt by the House to sneak 4420 thru the enacting process was impeded by men and women of good will who have come to the realization that if they do not stand up for their Constitutional civil rights today then when do they do so?

The struggle to be left alone is not over by any stretch of the imagination but at least more individuals have come to realize just how pernicious failure will be if they don't become involved in the struggle to remind the Beautiful People that our family's safety merits a great deal more value in our world view than do their opinions of how we should lead our lives. The fight will be long and arduous but not engaging in defense of these civil rights is not an option.
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