Massachusetts Bill HD.4420 "An act to modernize gun Laws"

I don't disagree. Women are just generally more emotional, by God's design. That is why they - in general - make better caregivers. This doesn't mean they aren't also great leaders. It just means that men (again, by design) tend to be more objective and less emotional.

Our current society totally lacks any sense of objectivity at all. Thus there is no objective view of right and wrong. Thus there are no consequences for anything anyone does anymore. This has happened before many times throughout human history, and is Biblical.
That’s why it’s important to have a good mix of male and female leaders. Both bring different strengths and weaknesses to the table.
the non-committal one is to shut up anti-4420 folks like me. It definitely wasn't anti-4420. I should've said "one for anti-4420 constituents and one for pro-4420 constituents

Thank you for reaching out to my office with your concerns related to HD.4420, “An Act modernizing gun laws in the Commonwealth”.

Thank you for reaching out to my office with your support for HD.4420, “An Act modernizing gun laws in the Commonwealth”.

I NEVER EVER alluded to support of 4420. IMHO, these are not successive letters, but 2 different canned form letters.

so I then send him this:

and immediately get a response from his CoS. literally 12 minutes later... that's light speed in government time..

IMHO, this guy is all-in on this and he'll vote YES on any piece of shit bill that crosses his desk.
Please show up at a public hearing where I'll be playing on my cell phone and ignoring you there too.
It's more than fudds. The average mass gun owner is a clueless retard. They don't know what a receiver is they've never built gun off of a receiver let alone an 80%. We're biased here, NES is not the LCD NPC mass gun owner.

The key difficulty will be maintaining the same level of pressure on "round 2". That will be more difficult when it's a harder sell to a layperson/npc.

In an effort towards helping to reduce the level of MA gun owner retardation, perhaps a brief review of the recent historical political history of gun control in the Republic may be of some small help in addressing this unfortunate situation.


A statewide ballot question, Question 5, attempts to amend the state constitution. Here is the summary of the question offered for a vote:

Summary of Question 5

The proposed legislation would prohibit the possession, ownership, or sale of any weapon from which a shot or bullet can be discharged and which has a barrel length of less than sixteen inches. The prohibition would not apply to military personnel, law enforcement officers, federally licensed handgun manufacturers and wholesalers, common carriers in the ordinary course of transport, or to historical societies and museums. The act would not affect the possession of rifles, shotguns, and certain antiques and replicas. The proposal also does not change the existing statutory penalties for unlawful possession, ownership or sale of handguns, including provision imposing mandatory jail sentences.

The proposal would permit owners of handguns to surrender their weapons to any law enforcement agency in the Commonwealth within six months of the effective date of the act without incurring criminal liability. Those surrendering handguns within that six months will be compensated at a rate to be determined by the Commissioner of Public Safety.
You will note that there is no mention of grand fathering current handgun owners in this proposed state constitutional amendment.

Evidently a majority of the voters also noticed that missing verbiage and saw this proposal for what it was to wit: a complete confiscation of all handguns owned by the average citizen in the Republic.

Interestingly the results of the voting were:



The Boston Beautiful People remembered that trying to convince the public at large to agree to the confiscation of guns did not work in a ballot measure format as well as they had anticipated so on this attempt to disarm the law-full citizenry they decided to skip the enact legislation that severally reduced the number of individuals who could meet the new qualifications for legal gun ownership.

They called the legislation. Acts of 1998 Chapter 180.

Here is a summary of what went into that enacted law:


The Massachusetts Courts have noted that the goal of the state’s firearms control legislation is to limit access to deadly weapons by irresponsible people.

If you can't ban the gun itself.....ban the gun owner instead. What a novel concept......we don't need to listen to the public at large.....we just legislate their Constitutional civil rights away as we see fit.
And the actual result in the streets of the Republic laboring under this new edict is best summed up by this 2013 article in the Boston Globe.....yes THAT Boston a well written article that lays bare the bankrupt philosophy behind the 1998 law:


The author makes some very important points that are relevant to our current fight against the 4420 proposals that one can borrow and employ when trying to educate their politicians and friends who don't actively shoot or support the legal right to do so.

The anti-2A crowd did not achieve what they dearly wanted to in 1976 and their 1998 victory STILL did not complete their dream of Republic wide disarmament of the citizenry so now we face an attempt to completely shut down both the gun owners and the gun industry itself here in the Republic once and for all.

These legislators and their ignorant minions are entitled to their opinions no matter how much we see those opinions as totally lacking in any basis in reality and commonsense....but they most assuredly are not entitled to their own or in the future.

As a group of decent citizens just trying to maintain access to the tools necessary for the defense of our loved ones and ourselves it is beyond imperative that we point out in no uncertain terms just how incredibly bad this illegal assault on the civil rights of all Republic inhabitants really is and counter their political bullshit with hard, cold facts.

If we do not succeed in this struggle the immediate future is going to be much more of an unwanted adventure than any of us truly want to have to deal with.

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It's more than fudds. The average mass gun owner is a clueless retard. They don't know what a receiver is they've never built gun off of a receiver let alone an 80%. We're biased here, NES is not the LCD NPC mass gun owner.

The key difficulty will be maintaining the same level of pressure on "round 2". That will be more difficult when it's a harder sell to a layperson/npc.
Heck I've never built any AR from a 80% receiver, but I know what one is. I do see your point though. Most guys and girls who have been in the service know what a receiver is. That's a lot of people. Those who have never served may very well have no clue for sure. Its always been the active gun owners like the good folks here on NES that fight the good fight for the most part anyway and I have no doubt that they will continue to do so when this snake rears its ugly head again the fall. 4420 will be met with as much opposition as we can muster as always. I just hope its enough. No more compromise.
Heck I've never built any AR from a 80% receiver, but I know what one is. I do see your point though. Most guys and girls who have been in the service know what a receiver is. That's a lot of people. Those who have never served may very well have no clue for sure. Its always been the active gun owners like the good folks here on NES that fight the good fight for the most part anyway and I have no doubt that they will continue to do so when this snake rears its ugly head again the fall. 4420 will be met with as much opposition as we can muster as always. I just hope its enough. No more compromise.
During the course of the last 70 years, I have witnessed some incredibly appalling attempts to remove or impede our Constitutional civil rights via the mechanism of legislative fiat on both the state and national level. One can be forgiven for thinking that our constant struggle against this institutional victimization has become a rather weary game of whack-a-mole.

It certainly is accurate to characterize our efforts as an uphill journey, verging on the vertical in nature, in light of the political leanings of both the media and an unfortunate number of Republic citizens. Having said that, I have not witnessed at first hand such an outpouring of indignation and unbridled rage at such a blatantly illegal attempt to disenfranchise a whole segment of the citizenry as I have seen arise against the whole 4420 garbage.

This assault on the Constitution has ironically sounded a clarion call to the decent folk here in the Republic who just want to be left alone. I have no idea what the final result will be in our struggle but I sure as hell believe that whatever happens it will not be because we as a group did not make a concerted effort to move heaven and earth to stand tall and look the adversaries directly in their eyes and tell them in a firm voice that the attack on our civil rights ends here and now.
During the course of the last 70 years, I have witnessed some incredibly appalling attempts to remove or impede our Constitutional civil rights via the mechanism of legislative fiat on both the state and national level. One can be forgiven for thinking that our constant struggle against this institutional victimization has become a rather weary game of whack-a-mole.

It certainly is accurate to characterize our efforts as an uphill journey, verging on the vertical in nature, in light of the political leanings of both the media and an unfortunate number of Republic citizens. Having said that, I have not witnessed at first hand such an outpouring of indignation and unbridled rage at such a blatantly illegal attempt to disenfranchise a whole segment of the citizenry as I have seen arise against the whole 4420 garbage.

This assault on the Constitution has ironically sounded a clarion call to the decent folk here in the Republic who just want to be left alone. I have no idea what the final result will be in our struggle but I sure as hell believe that whatever happens it will not be because we as a group did not make a concerted effort to move heaven and earth to stand tall and look the adversaries directly in their eyes and tell them in a firm voice that the attack on our civil rights ends here and now.

Amen. You sir are a very talented wordsmith!
Amen. You sir are a very talented wordsmith!
Thank you, Sir, for your generous words.

Unfortunately, my Representative and Senator do not appear to share the same opinion pursuant to the unending emails I have been sending them. While I can't say that I am terribly surprised at their lack of response in light of the overall left wing progressive attitude that prevails here in the People's Democratic Socialist Republic I am not discouraged by their lack of acknowledgement that there really is an opinion that Constitutional civil rights still matter even in today's social climate.

I remain steadfast in my sincere belief that we are fighting for a reality where all citizens are free to decide of their own accord how they wish to provide for the safety of themselves and their loved ones without having to prostrate themselves before faceless government minions who probably would not have survived infancy in an earlier age.

This entire 4420 mess strikes me as having galvanized a large part of the so-called silent majority who......upon climbing the precipice.......and gazing into the future abyss......have decided that they do not wish to live in a society where citizens are considered wards of the Republic and subject to the whim of the latest politically correct sociological pronouncement.

Today's struggle is the present version of the old man's cry of........GET OFF MY GRASS.

During the course of the last 70 years, I have witnessed some incredibly appalling attempts to remove or impede our Constitutional civil rights via the mechanism of legislative fiat on both the state and national level. One can be forgiven for thinking that our constant struggle against this institutional victimization has become a rather weary game of whack-a-mole.

It certainly is accurate to characterize our efforts as an uphill journey, verging on the vertical in nature, in light of the political leanings of both the media and an unfortunate number of Republic citizens. Having said that, I have not witnessed at first hand such an outpouring of indignation and unbridled rage at such a blatantly illegal attempt to disenfranchise a whole segment of the citizenry as I have seen arise against the whole 4420 garbage.

This assault on the Constitution has ironically sounded a clarion call to the decent folk here in the Republic who just want to be left alone. I have no idea what the final result will be in our struggle but I sure as hell believe that whatever happens it will not be because we as a group did not make a concerted effort to move heaven and earth to stand tall and look the adversaries directly in their eyes and tell them in a firm voice that the attack on our civil rights ends here and now.
Whoever wrote this was spot on.
I have seen it .
Peaceful people who never had a thought of harming a soul and would have gone from cradle to grave living a gentle life pushed to the breaking point.
The explosive violence people are capable of when they snap is amazing.
When trying to explain to a non-shooter why 2A supporters are so publicly against the 4420-laundry list of blatantly unconstitutional civil rights violations as the proposed bill spells out it is not uncommon to run into the response....oh you are just being overly dramatic.....your tin foil hat must have fallen off.

I gently remind them that one does not need to go very far back in recorded history to see firsthand evidence of governmental over-reach in the not too distanced past.

People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Massachusetts

Gov. Baker et al. invoke executive order to close all gun stores and gun ranges in the name of addressing the public health issues stemming from the covid virus. This everything in the Republic is......for the safety of the children. It also was a completely illegal revocation of our Constitutional civil rights and even after a court found this to be so, there were no consequences for the commission of the act itself.


The government of Australia sets up quarantine camps for its own citizens who are thought to have contracted the virus and forcibly removed them from their homes and put them in these so-called camps......... for the good of all the country's citizens.......they are told. Some news reports indicated that the military was employed to enforce this draconian policy.

We are faced with regular reports of unelected bureaucrats making up their own laws and regulations about all aspects of how we are supposed to live our lives according to their opinions of the right way to do so.

Yes, we the moment......have a Constitution and a Supreme Court but in light of the current administration's ignoring both facts one can be forgiven for wondering just how long it will be before we really do come under some form of political martial law aimed at those individuals who refuse to bow down to the Party's dictates.

If you think that this is not a scenario possible in the near future that is a belief that you are certainly entitled to. Me......I am off to buy some more tinfoil while it is still available at the grocery store.

have your liberal dildo friends google "Japanese internment camps" when they have their nose buried in their smart phones.
View attachment 784408
Whoever wrote this was spot on.
I have seen it .
Peaceful people who never had a thought of harming a soul and would have gone from cradle to grave living a gentle life pushed to the breaking point.
The explosive violence people are capable of when they snap is amazing.
I have seen one occasion when the quiet man snapped and both he and I were momentarily stunned at the transition from peace to personal physical combat in the blink of an eye. The individual on the receiving end of this transformation was even more stunned than I was. As I recall it left a lasting impression on that fool.

As far as I have been able to find this quote has been ascribed to an unknown author. What I thought was both interesting and perhaps indicative of the current mindset in certain quarters is that I seem to be running across this quote more and more often these days during my journeys around the digital back roads. It has become the favorite quote of folks who have come to the realization that the last 2 years judged from all sorts of metrics have completely just plainly flat-out sucked.

The political weaponization of the DOJ, FBI, IRS and the justice system has led many rational individuals who are capable of linear thought to begin to wonder where we are headed as a society if we continue to clasp the latest wokery nonsense to our breasts and proclaim all past societal benchmarks to be no longer of any value and completely null and void.

First it was 'Defund The Police' was the hip new buzz word. Now it's "Disarm The Citizenry" which considering the prior historical legislative history regarding gun control here in the Republic should not come as a completely shocking turn of events to the average observer of such middle of the night machinations as are common in Boston.

What strikes me as different this time around is that the Beautiful People are not trying to hide their true intentions to pass legislation that both creates a whole new class of felons from what was once a law-abiding group of gun owners but more importantly it substantially enlarges the pool of potential victims of criminal predation. This present action in the House is the most appalling attack on our Constitutional civil rights that I have ever seen during my lifetime and is a direct threat to the physical wellbeing of me and mine.

I once heard a saying that was supposedly credited to someone in Texas that said, "It's hard to keep a man down who believes in what he is doing and keeps on a coming". I do not know if that saying really did originate there but it sounds like something a Texan would say and it certainly is applicable to the struggle we find ourselves enmeshed in now thru no fault of our own.

The fight we are engaged in today is not just for our present but more importantly for the present of future generations. God in his wisdom only knows how it will ultimately end but if nothing else it is at least a worthy cause to be involved in.

This meme pretty well sums up what a surprising number of people are thinking and saying these days:

have your liberal dildo friends google "Japanese internment camps" when they have their nose buried in their smart phones.
Unfortunately, there seems to be a noticeable lack of interest in real, actual American history as opposed to the revisionist trash that is pushed on unsuspecting students these days in our broken education system. The internment camps were a terrible blot on this country's history and national honor. No number of excuses will ever suffice to wash that historical stain from the record of how this nation responded to the World War situation on the Home front.

When examples of this sort of past historical behavior on the part of the government are introduced into the conversation the liberals' eyes tend to glaze over. I gently and calmly say, "Does the name Randy Weaver ring any sort of bell?".

The usual response is no it doesn't. My response is sit down and I will let you know when I want to hear your opinion in the future.

If I had not lived thru the last 7 years, I would never have believed it was possible for the federal government to have become as sleezy and dishonest as it in fact has become. I expect no real difference from the Republic government but the federal slide into elevating mendacity and obfuscation to the level of a new art form has admittedly surprised me to a certain extent.

I am eternally grateful that I grew up in the 50s and 60s in a family with both parents providing command guidance and love during the course of the growing process. When I see what we are informed is considered normal today I just shake my head and draw upon my past upbringing for moral support. I then whisper to myself that this too shall pass.....but then again so shall I.....
Folks don’t take this the wrong way, but nominating women to high positions is foolish.

Regardless of conservative “slant” or training or upbringing, they are the weaker sex.

They are easily swayed by emotional arguments and the “fear du jour” published by deceptive media.

In ancient times it also meant you were basically screwed.

God judged Jerusalem by setting this up:

Isa. 3:12: Youths oppress my people, women rule over them.
The issue is hiring people because the check a box..
I have seen one occasion when the quiet man snapped and both he and I were momentarily stunned at the transition from peace to personal physical combat in the blink of an eye. The individual on the receiving end of this transformation was even more stunned than I was. As I recall it left a lasting impression on that fool.

As far as I have been able to find this quote has been ascribed to an unknown author. What I thought was both interesting and perhaps indicative of the current mindset in certain quarters is that I seem to be running across this quote more and more often these days during my journeys around the digital back roads. It has become the favorite quote of folks who have come to the realization that the last 2 years judged from all sorts of metrics have completely just plainly flat-out sucked.

The political weaponization of the DOJ, FBI, IRS and the justice system has led many rational individuals who are capable of linear thought to begin to wonder where we are headed as a society if we continue to clasp the latest wokery nonsense to our breasts and proclaim all past societal benchmarks to be no longer of any value and completely null and void.

First it was 'Defund The Police' was the hip new buzz word. Now it's "Disarm The Citizenry" which considering the prior historical legislative history regarding gun control here in the Republic should not come as a completely shocking turn of events to the average observer of such middle of the night machinations as are common in Boston.

What strikes me as different this time around is that the Beautiful People are not trying to hide their true intentions to pass legislation that both creates a whole new class of felons from what was once a law-abiding group of gun owners but more importantly it substantially enlarges the pool of potential victims of criminal predation. This present action in the House is the most appalling attack on our Constitutional civil rights that I have ever seen during my lifetime and is a direct threat to the physical wellbeing of me and mine.

I once heard a saying that was supposedly credited to someone in Texas that said, "It's hard to keep a man down who believes in what he is doing and keeps on a coming". I do not know if that saying really did originate there but it sounds like something a Texan would say and it certainly is applicable to the struggle we find ourselves enmeshed in now thru no fault of our own.

The fight we are engaged in today is not just for our present but more importantly for the present of future generations. God in his wisdom only knows how it will ultimately end but if nothing else it is at least a worthy cause to be involved in.

This meme pretty well sums up what a surprising number of people are thinking and saying these days:

View attachment 784446
I ran a scenario by a guy I know who is the Granola-fall-in-line type. It was as follows: He gets pulled over, his kids are in the car, he's ordered out of the car. The car is searched, a small crumb of bread pulled from the floormat tests positive for cocaine. He is arrested on the spot. During the arrest, his arm, jaw, nose and ankle are broken because during the arrest his tendonitis caused him to flinch slightly while being cuffed. He was charged with resisting arrest, assault on an officer, possession of a controlled substance, operating under the influence, evidence tampering, felony obstruction and reckless child endangerment. His three kids in the car were taken into state custody, his car was impounded and seized. He was immediately terminated from his job. His house was raided, his wife was violently assaulted by the swat team during a raid looking for more drugs and both dogs were shot and killed during this raid, his wife filed for divorce shortly after while their house went to the bank following a hasty foreclosure. I could tell he was "simulating" this in his head as I went through it. His arm started shaking a bit and he just said, "I'd... I'd...." (you could tell he was completely losing his shit just thinking about it). Whatever he was thinking of, you can be sure it was violent and bloody....
I ran a scenario by a guy I know who is the Granola-fall-in-line type. It was as follows: He gets pulled over, his kids are in the car, he's ordered out of the car. The car is searched, a small crumb of bread pulled from the floormat tests positive for cocaine. He is arrested on the spot. During the arrest, his arm, jaw, nose and ankle are broken because during the arrest his tendonitis caused him to flinch slightly while being cuffed. He was charged with resisting arrest, assault on an officer, possession of a controlled substance, operating under the influence, evidence tampering, felony obstruction and reckless child endangerment. His three kids in the car were taken into state custody, his car was impounded and seized. He was immediately terminated from his job. His house was raided, his wife was violently assaulted by the swat team during a raid looking for more drugs and both dogs were shot and killed during this raid, his wife filed for divorce shortly after while their house went to the bank following a hasty foreclosure. I could tell he was "simulating" this in his head as I went through it. His arm started shaking a bit and he just said, "I'd... I'd...." (you could tell he was completely losing his shit just thinking about it). Whatever he was thinking of, you can be sure it was violent and bloody....
The theme of a man being unjustly abused by circumstances beyond his control and how he responds to that situation is a favorite story line in both literature and cinema. The most impressive true historical account of such a man that I have run across to date took place during the American Civil War. Here is a brief account of his story:

The issue of gun control legislation and its potential expectation to result in the authorities appearing unannounced at one's home to confiscate the citizen's firearms under threat of both legal and actual deadly force is a subject that tends to draw a strong response. In some cases that response is along the lines of if that were to take place then me and ma will fort up in the homestead and hold off these heathens as long as we can is a favorite of what are disparagingly referred to as keyboard warriors.

I would respectfully point out that until one finds themselves at the sharp end of the stick in a situation best described as having a certain adventurous quality to it you will not really and truly know just what your reactions will be to the circumstances unfolding around you. The stock reply to this statement is that in moments of crisis one falls back on their prior training. My question is what exactly is their prior training in the first place? A person who goes about their daily life in an urban area will have developed a different personal survival skillset than will the individual who lives in a rural area.

Bank ATMs have become the watering hole of urban life these days. Criminal predators know that prey will flock to them in their moments of need to replenish their cash supply just as animal predators know that prey animals flock to watering holes to address their need for the life sustaining liquid contained therein. These digital transactions have become a source of serious risk to one's wellbeing as is routinely chronicled in the daily media.

People who regularly use these cash machines will hopefully have developed a well-honed behavioral pattern to provide them with a survival protocol that takes into account the potential risk inherent in this sort of activity. We have chosen to avoid these urban watering holes entirely which for us has removed one source of possible threat to our health and safety. A more realistic physical threat to me and mine is much closer to home. Here are a few images of what we run into on our property here in the Back of Beyond:

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The what ifs of threats to our safety in our little world are different than they are in a more centric urban world. So far...... I have only been actually charged by a bear on one occasion.......and despite being armed with a holstered .357 magnum revolver......... I immediately discovered much to my great joy and amusement that my skill at running backwards in a woodland setting is absolutely embarrassing. I suspect the bear thought the same thing because he stopped and looked at me as if to say just what does this fool think he is doing.....he is so lame.

In a perfect world we will never have to plumb the depths of our darkest fears and confront them in the stark harsh unforgiving glare of reality. We and our most precious loved ones will live unmolested and ride off into the sunset on a white unicorn spreading pixie dust in our wake.

Unfortunately, we have never lived in this mythical world and in light of what we see taking place all around us on a daily basis one could be forgiven for thinking that the chances of our ever attaining this state of grace are becoming more remote as time goes on.

I suspect that every person has within themselves the ability to react to being engulfed, thru no fault of their own, in what they perceive as an unjustified and adverse situation in a manner that is completely at odds with the normal standards of behavior that they presently employ during the conduct of their daily lives.

Those who manage to survive such a frightening experience will learn a great deal about who they really are as a person and just what they are actually capable of doing when pushed to the edge and beyond of their firmly held expectations of what constitutes fairness and normality in their everyday lives. While this experience can be interesting from an educational perspective upon reflection in the aftermath, it can also be a bit soul corroding as well.
It’s a full on press this time to remove your rights. Unbelievable these people keep getting back into office. Rep. Ron Mariano, the real force behind Massachusetts’ "carry-killer" legislation
You are certainly correct that the struggle to defend our Constitutional civil rights has become an out and out bare-knuckle brawl, but having said that, the response from the 2-A community has also risen to a level that I have not seen in the past confrontations with the politicians who are bound and determined to enact the legislative victimization of as many of the citizenry as they are able to do so.

The repeated election of the usual suspects in the ongoing drive to disenfranchise those individuals who believe in their right to possess personal arms as a means to protect their loved ones is indicative of the general so called progressive leftist attitude that is a well-known established reality here in the People's Democratic Socialist Republic.

If nothing else, the present fight against this blatant assault on 2-A supporters may very well serve as a Republic wide wake up call to people who have in the past taken our civil rights for granted and not really invested the time to become involved in informing the elected Beautiful People that there is in fact a strong, vibrant culture who very much do believe that the Constitution still does matter in an age of constant mindless wokness.

If Boston was not aware that there really are citizens who value the opportunity to make their own decisions regarding what they feel is the best course of action for themselves and their families........ they certainly are now.

The question, as always, is will the legislators actually listen to this opinion or will they just ignore it as they have done in the past.
I can’t wait to see the watered down version of this..

I’ll definitely sue… do you know how long it would take to engrave every link of a belt.
I can’t wait to see what the fee is for each serial number….

I wish they would let me wright the laws I could make this really simple.
have your liberal dildo friends google "Japanese internment camps" when they have their nose buried in their smart phones.

Or "Holocaust".

The Holocaust was the state-sponsored persecution and mass murder of millions of European Jews, Romani people, the intellectually disabled, political dissidents and homosexuals by the German Nazi regime between 1933 and 1945. The word “holocaust,” from the Greek words “holos” (whole) and “kaustos” (burned), was historically used to describe a sacrificial offering burned on an altar.

After years of Nazi rule in Germany, dictator Adolf Hitler’s “Final Solution”—now known as the Holocaust—came to fruition during World War II, with mass killing centers in concentration camps. About six million Jews and some five million others, targeted for racial, political, ideological and behavioral reasons, died in the Holocaust—more than one million of those who perished were children.

"Oh, but that will never happen here". Millions of people didn't expect it to happen "there".

My mother was born in Vienna, Austria. She, her brother and her mother made it to America, her father disappeared. Her Aunt and Uncle, (my god-parents), spent time in a camp. I remember their tattoos, the food stashed in odd places in their house, and the revolver in the safe along with their passports and selected stamps ready to grab and go.

(Stamps - they were stamp dealers. Albums and albums of them in their office, with envelopes containing the most valuable in the safe. You can put half a million dollars worth of stamps in a #10 envelope pretty easily - and it's easy to grab and stick into your pocket along with your passport).

I don't expect this to happen in America - but I'm not giving up my guns. History teaches us that only bad things come when people are disarmed.

Here's a nice sentiment from an anti-gun person -
Or "Holocaust".

The Holocaust was the state-sponsored persecution and mass murder of millions of European Jews, Romani people, the intellectually disabled, political dissidents and homosexuals by the German Nazi regime between 1933 and 1945. The word “holocaust,” from the Greek words “holos” (whole) and “kaustos” (burned), was historically used to describe a sacrificial offering burned on an altar.

After years of Nazi rule in Germany, dictator Adolf Hitler’s “Final Solution”—now known as the Holocaust—came to fruition during World War II, with mass killing centers in concentration camps. About six million Jews and some five million others, targeted for racial, political, ideological and behavioral reasons, died in the Holocaust—more than one million of those who perished were children.

"Oh, but that will never happen here". Millions of people didn't expect it to happen "there".

My mother was born in Vienna, Austria. She, her brother and her mother made it to America, her father disappeared. Her Aunt and Uncle, (my god-parents), spent time in a camp. I remember their tattoos, the food stashed in odd places in their house, and the revolver in the safe along with their passports and selected stamps ready to grab and go.

(Stamps - they were stamp dealers. Albums and albums of them in their office, with envelopes containing the most valuable in the safe. You can put half a million dollars worth of stamps in a #10 envelope pretty easily - and it's easy to grab and stick into your pocket along with your passport).

I don't expect this to happen in America - but I'm not giving up my guns. History teaches us that only bad things come when people are disarmed.

Here's a nice sentiment from an anti-gun person -

In light of the widespread tolerance of the present decriminalization and reduced prosecution of what once were considered to be actual crimes I am not so sure that we will not face a concerted effort to disarm us as the first stage of a journey to someplace that we really would rather not travel to.

Remember when "it can't happen here" would apply to secret federal court dockets and secret trials; interrogation techniques used in war that would be called torture if the enemy used them on our soldiers; extra-judicial rendition and black site prisons?
saw my first "Stop HD4420" sign today on Old Post Road in North Attleboro... NES Screen Name???
I have already seen 3 in Weymouth
Some shops give them away for free and most charge a small fee to cover the cost (<$6). Every member should stop by a local gun shop and grab one. Spread the word! Most people have no clue what HD.4420 is. I have 2 on my lawn and 2 in the garage in case any go missing.

I was at Brophy’s Firearms and Reedys Archery Sunday and they had signs available. Seen plenty on lawns in Middleboro, Halifax and E.Bridgewater.
Or "Holocaust".

The Holocaust was the state-sponsored persecution and mass murder of millions of European Jews, Romani people, the intellectually disabled, political dissidents and homosexuals by the German Nazi regime between 1933 and 1945. The word “holocaust,” from the Greek words “holos” (whole) and “kaustos” (burned), was historically used to describe a sacrificial offering burned on an altar.

After years of Nazi rule in Germany, dictator Adolf Hitler’s “Final Solution”—now known as the Holocaust—came to fruition during World War II, with mass killing centers in concentration camps. About six million Jews and some five million others, targeted for racial, political, ideological and behavioral reasons, died in the Holocaust—more than one million of those who perished were children.

"Oh, but that will never happen here". Millions of people didn't expect it to happen "there".

My mother was born in Vienna, Austria. She, her brother and her mother made it to America, her father disappeared. Her Aunt and Uncle, (my god-parents), spent time in a camp. I remember their tattoos, the food stashed in odd places in their house, and the revolver in the safe along with their passports and selected stamps ready to grab and go.

(Stamps - they were stamp dealers. Albums and albums of them in their office, with envelopes containing the most valuable in the safe. You can put half a million dollars worth of stamps in a #10 envelope pretty easily - and it's easy to grab and stick into your pocket along with your passport).

I don't expect this to happen in America - but I'm not giving up my guns. History teaches us that only bad things come when people are disarmed.

Here's a nice sentiment from an anti-gun person -
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Never say it couldn't happen here .
We have some really sick f*cks in positions of power in this country.
As far as Mr. Hislop goes, I would be happy to give him my address .
He can get the party started.
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