Massachusetts Bill HD.4420 "An act to modernize gun Laws"

Forgive me if this has be answered. I've tried to keep up with everything in the various threads.

You have an M1 Carbine. It will become an assault rifle under the proposed new law. At that point in time you are suppose to sell it out of state, turn it in, move it our of state etc.

If you were to get an 03 FFL could you put the M1 Carbine under the FFL and keep it in MA?
The short answer is, you don't sell, turn in our relocate it.
Never say it couldn't happen here .
We have some really sick f*cks in positions of power in this country.
As far as Mr. Hislop goes, I would be happy to give him my address .
He can get the party started.

Just like Mr. Day and Mr. Mariano, Mr. Hislop doesn't have what it takes to personally implement his own proposals.
Remember when "it can't happen here" would apply to secret federal court dockets and secret trials; interrogation techniques used in war that would be called torture if the enemy used them on our soldiers; extra-judicial rendition and black site prisons?
The problem is that I do remember when all those things that you reference were not even part of the national conversation because back in the day no one could even envision them taking place much less essentially becoming accepted governmental policy.

Prior to 2020 I would have been very skeptical if someone told me that the DOJ, FBI and IRS would become basically wholly owned subsidiaries of the National Democratic Party and employed solely for the purpose of bringing misery and ruin to any opposition political party.

As hard as it is to believe today there was once a time, back in the 1960s, when I honestly thought that the national news media was in fact providing real news and not just party propaganda to support whatever left wing woke cause was the favorite of the day.

At times, today, I have felt like the young man who comes to the big city for the first time.......puts his bags down.......looks up at the urban skyline.....and shouts in a firm voice.....I am going to conquer you......and when he looks back down his bags are gone.

I now understand that Walter Cronkite left the building a long time ago and the so-called Mainstream Media is not an honest neutral reporter of what is actually going on in our world.

I have learned to no longer take anything at face value as some sort of given time worn tenet like we used to in the old days. The state of Illinois recently did away with cash bail and enacted legislation that allows non- American citizens to become police officers no less. Shop lifting is currently just ignored by what few police are still left in big city police departments because the prosecutors won't even spend the time to go to court over the matter. This is causing business to close and decent people to lose their employment and the cities to lose their tax base.

There has always been a strong undercurrent in both state and national politics to attack the concept of gun ownership as some sort of mental aberration on the part of those who freely choose to own firearms. The language and more importantly the underlining intent behind 4420 is nothing less than a flat out attempt to completely disenfranchise an entire class of Republic citizenry whose only fault is that they have decided to exercise a Constitutional civil right that seems pretty straight forward in it's language to me......but what do I know.

There is no room to compromise with politicians who have so little regard for the civil rights of the people that they are supposedly representing nor for the process itself employed to manufacture these edicts in the wee hours of the night hidden from the exposure of the glaring surgical light of the day.

Teddy Roosevelt once said do what you can, with what you've got, where you are. I guess as we try to fight this legislative travesty that is really all that we can do.

These days I have come to appreciate just how right Mr. Rodgers was when he said:

The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

It was already made real simple.
And this, not surprisingly, is what happens when you focus entirely on denying law-abiding citizens their clearly spelled out Constitutional civil right to possess personal arms instead of focusing on the criminal who is the root cause of the problem in the first place. How sad and entirely predictable to anyone with even a partially functioning brain.


And this, not surprisingly, is what happens when you focus entirely on denying law-abiding citizens their clearly spelled out Constitutional civil right to possess personal arms instead of focusing on the criminal who is the root cause of the problem in the first place. How sad and entirely predictable to anyone with even a partially functioning brain.

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The problem is they are not even talking about the firearms that the gang bangers are using (yet). They are focused on the "weapons of war" because that is what see as a major threat to them. They could care less about the people.dying needlessly in the streets.

Say a little girl in the ghetto gets shot with an glock, the first thing out of the politcians mouth is Ar-15.
And this, not surprisingly, is what happens when you focus entirely on denying law-abiding citizens their clearly spelled out Constitutional civil right to possess personal arms instead of focusing on the criminal who is the root cause of the problem in the first place. How sad and entirely predictable to anyone with even a partially functioning brain.

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So I guess its all right to shoot, maim and kill during regular business hours.

That picture and story is a microcosm of what is wrong with this country. Instead of dealing with the problem, they do this bullshit.....
The problem is they are not even talking about the firearms that the gang bangers are using (yet). They are focused on the "weapons of war" because that is what see as a major threat to them. They could care less about the people.dying needlessly in the streets.

Say a little girl in the ghetto gets shot with an glock, the first thing out of the politcians mouth is Ar-15.

They don't talk about the gang banger's guns because that would not help advance their left-wing narrative that Ar style rifles are responsible for all the crime that happens anywhere in this country. Unfortunately, the politicians who make up these ridiculous laws restricting access to firearms of choice for law-abiding citizens have absolutely no idea whatsoever about anything having to do with guns in general much less scary looking black rifles in particular.

The Cook County DA is notorious for her selective prosecution of only crimes that meet her so-called restorative justice standards. When you choose to allow criminals to run amok at the expense of the decent citizens in your city it should come as no surprise that the gangs take over the streets and the decent people clutch their children to their breasts and fearfully hide in their homes.

We as lawful gun owners are an easy target for these ignorant politicians because by the very definition of lawful, we obey the law, and it is easier to come after us than it is to do the hard work and go after the real criminals in the first place. The following meme seems to me to accurately sum up where we are these days:

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So I guess its all right to shoot, maim and kill during regular business hours.

That picture and story is a microcosm of what is wrong with this country. Instead of dealing with the problem, they do this bullshit.....

I have been watching politicians for the last 47 years on both the national as well as the state level claim that getting rid of the 2-A and outlawing private gun ownership will result in a beautiful world filled with unicorns and pixie dust and we will all live happily ever after unto eternity if only we would listen to these master scholars and prophets of utopia. When I hear this nonsense my first reaction is to wonder just how much time the speaker has been spending at one of the countless local dope dispensaries that seem to be located wherever there are 4 or more people living in the area.

I think that the basic underlining cause as to what is wrong in this country these days stems from the current observation that parents don't embrace the responsibility to educate their children about basic right and wrong in the same way as us old farts who were brought up in the 50s and 60s were taught. I fail to recall any instances of mass shootings by gangs on a regular basis back then as is common to see today especially in "Gun Free" Chicago.

Today, according to no less a noted authority as Hilliary Clinton, it takes a village to raise a child and the actual birth parents are no longer needed to participate in the process at hand. If that is in fact a true belief, then all I can say is based on what I see all around us on a daily basis the village has been doing a world class shitty job of raising the children.

The problem since the beginning of time has always presently......and will be in the future.......THE CRIMINAL. Until society focuses on and tries to address the foundational reasons for what leads a person into crime in the first place nothing will change on the street. Disarming law-abiding gun owners only increases the victimization of the citizenry as a whole and does nothing to address the real problem. Unfortunately, this truth does not fit the current woke narrative in vogue so there will still be criminals on the streets and decent people who own private arms as tools to avoid becoming an entry on a police blotter.
Remember when "it can't happen here" would apply to secret federal court dockets and secret trials; interrogation techniques used in war that would be called torture if the enemy used them on our soldiers; extra-judicial rendition and black site prisons?

Anyone who thinks the Republican Party is on the side of freedom should remember this.
I have been watching politicians for the last 47 years on both the national as well as the state level claim that getting rid of the 2-A and outlawing private gun ownership will result in a beautiful world filled with unicorns and pixie dust and we will all live happily ever after unto eternity if only we would listen to these master scholars and prophets of utopia. When I hear this nonsense my first reaction is to wonder just how much time the speaker has been spending at one of the countless local dope dispensaries that seem to be located wherever there are 4 or more people living in the area.

I think that the basic underlining cause as to what is wrong in this country these days stems from the current observation that parents don't embrace the responsibility to educate their children about basic right and wrong in the same way as us old farts who were brought up in the 50s and 60s were taught. I fail to recall any instances of mass shootings by gangs on a regular basis back then as is common to see today especially in "Gun Free" Chicago.

Today, according to no less a noted authority as Hilliary Clinton, it takes a village to raise a child and the actual birth parents are no longer needed to participate in the process at hand. If that is in fact a true belief, then all I can say is based on what I see all around us on a daily basis the village has been doing a world class shitty job of raising the children.

The problem since the beginning of time has always presently......and will be in the future.......THE CRIMINAL. Until society focuses on and tries to address the foundational reasons for what leads a person into crime in the first place nothing will change on the street. Disarming law-abiding gun owners only increases the victimization of the citizenry as a whole and does nothing to address the real problem. Unfortunately, this truth does not fit the current woke narrative in vogue so there will still be criminals on the streets and decent people who own private arms as tools to avoid becoming an entry on a police blotter.

I don’t own an AR15 cause I’m worried about criminals.

And I think the left knows this, which is why they want to take it away.
The problem is they are not even talking about the firearms that the gang bangers are using (yet). They are focused on the "weapons of war" because that is what see as a major threat to them. They could care less about the people.dying needlessly in the streets.

Say a little girl in the ghetto gets shot with an glock, the first thing out of the politcians mouth is Ar-15.

Totally. I’m sure the criminals in Nazi Germany or Mao’s China had guns. It didn’t matter.

Imagine if 6 million Jews were armed with AR15s? History would have gone down differently.

Governments always trend toward authoritarianism, and they know guns stand in their way.
Anyone who thinks the Republican Party is on the side of freedom should remember this.

And that, my friend, is what I find truly sad about this entire struggle to affirm and defend a Constitutional civil right that was ratified on December 15, 1791. One would think that after all those years the matter had become settle law......and we are still fighting to support that belief without benefit of support from either major organized political party. Apparently tilting at windmills is not for the faint of heart it seems..... or national political parties as well in this case.
I don’t own an AR15 cause I’m worried about criminals.

And I think the left knows this, which is why they want to take it away.

I guess that the left does not understand that the original intention of the 2-A was to ensure the citizen did in fact have possession of a firearm that one could employ in defense of family and home against an unjust government. Evidently this concept is difficult for them to come to accept as a valid reason to own private arms.
Why? Is it a secret?

People drive by it every day and see #26.

They see Robinson.

Did the owner put up the great sign and want to keep it secret?

What is your beef?

That picture is a real picture of a real site on the road in front of their house.

Tell me, really?

The why is because you have distributed their name and exact address on the internet, presumably without their knowledge, there shouldn't need to be another reason; it simply wasn't your information to share.

If you wanted to reply to the other post that you had found the sign you should have obscured the address.

If they want to put a sign in front of their house that's their localized risk of repercussion to bear (I have one up). But posted here where antis and some certified loons troll they are exposed to an audience they didn't sign up for (pun intended).

Like I said if it is not your house please take it down.

The why is because you have distributed their name and exact address on the internet, presumably without their knowledge, there shouldn't need to be another reason; it simply wasn't your information to share.

If you wanted to reply to the other post that you had found the sign you should have obscured the address.

If they want to put a sign in front of their house that's their localized risk of repercussion to bear (I have one up). But posted here where antis and some certified loons troll they are exposed to an audience they didn't sign up for (pun intended).

Like I said if it is not your house please take it down.

I respectfully think you are full of shit and a f***ing Karen. But, I will remove the post. You just don’t know what you are talking about. Weak. Thanks.
I guess that the left does not understand that the original intention of the 2-A was to ensure the citizen did in fact have possession of a firearm that one could employ in defense of family and home against an unjust government. Evidently this concept is difficult for them to come to accept as a valid reason to own private arms.

The left wants us AND the constitution to go away, we stand in the way of their vision for this country.

I think a large portion of Democratic voters aren’t really leftists, they just falsely believe their party cares about them more than Republicans. The Dems are better at lying to voters than Republicans, and they’ll sacrifice any principle if it means more votes.
I don't think anyone has posted this here. From earlier today...


The left wants us AND the constitution to go away, we stand in the way of their vision for this country.

I think a large portion of Democratic voters aren’t really leftists, they just falsely believe their party cares about them more than Republicans. The Dems are better at lying to voters than Republicans, and they’ll sacrifice any principle if it means more votes.

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Goal is giving the Stop HD 4420 signs out and has also been dropping them off at gun shops. I just picked up 5 from Match Shot Firearms in Gardner.

Talking to a guy in same shop and he had a customer in there who's district is under Jim McGovern. He called about his opposition to the bill and the staffer told him " "McGovern is 100 percent behind the bill and is voting for it no matter who objects".

Of course you can expect they will change the Bill number next whack around to kind of invalidate our signs. My neighbor who frequents the gun shop I mentioned said one of our legislators got over 500 letters, and he is "aware".

My sportsmen's club (Fitchburg Sportsmen's Club) was one of the first clubs to send out letters ( 400 + ) and provide letters and templates for all of our members to sign or take home and mail out. We need to make sure EVERY club, especially those in the RED zone are getting the message out to all members and friends also.
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Goal is giving the Stop HD 4420 signs out and has also been dropping them off at gun shops. I just picked up 5 from Match Shot Firearms in Gardner.

Talking to a guy in same shop and he had a customer in there who's district is under Jim McGovern. He called about his opposition to the bill and the staffer told him " "McGovern is 100 percent behind the bill and is voting for it no matter who objects".
Unless McGovern got demoted to State Rep, he’s not going to be voting on it. He’s a US Representative
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