Massad Ayoob and Ruger: Connection?

Mar 8, 2007
Land of The Sheep - Home of The Grave
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So, I've been DVR-ing Personal Defense TV on the Sportsmen's Channel every week. It's actually a pretty neat show and hard to believe it comes from the same dunderheads that make Guns and Ammo TV...[thinking]

Anyway, in nearly every episode, Massad is either sporting a Smith and Wesson snubbie, or a Ruger P345. He even so much as said last night that the P345 is his duty and carry gun. It certainly does not look new and shiny, so I guess I was wondering if there's a connection between he and Strum Ruger? With all the choices in .45's out there, I'm a bit surprised that he chose this gun. It's encouraging in a way, as a P345 is on my radar screen....I know they get cold reviews around NES, but the one I handled felt great. I looked on the Ruger website and saw no mention of him, so I guess if there was a paid relationship, they'd have it plastered all over their site....
From what articles i've read by Massad in various magazines over the years he seems to favor Ruger's over other brands and models.
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I read one article from him in the early 90s where he was competing. His competition .45 broke and he finished the match with his duty gun - a Ruger .45. That's when I decided I should get one........

The gun (my primary carry gun) and I have lived happily ever after.

I did a good amount of research before buying my p345

2004 Guns and Ammo gun of there year... and great reliability from every thing I've read...

There were issues in the past with the firing pin getting damaged during dry firing with a mag in (or was it mag out?).. either way, I didn't realize this until a few weeks after I got mine... it had been in the gun shop for awhile, and many friends checked it out. It had been dry fired a lot before I caught on to this... still no problems. I reckon it's been resolved.

Since I've had it, I've put about 400rds through it without so much as a hiccup. It's extremely light for a 45, I find it quite accurate, and it just looks so damn sexy. It's also extremely easy to break down and put back together for cleaning.

All this for just over $400? I'd still prefer a high end 1911, but how can you go wrong at that price point?
The Police Dept in Nh that Mas works at Issues the Ruger P-345 to the Officers. Prior to the P-345 they issued the P-90 in 45ACP.
I'd let you come try mine out if you want, but aren't you out on the left of the state [wink]

I think most of the left is out your way...[smile] Thanks for the offer - much appreciated. I'd really like to shoot one...I've been jonesing for an M&P45, but everytime I pick up the Ruger, it just feels right...Plus, it's about $200.00 cheaper...[wink]
I think most of the left is out your way...[smile] Thanks for the offer - much appreciated. I'd really like to shoot one...I've been jonesing for an M&P45, but everytime I pick up the Ruger, it just feels right...Plus, it's about $200.00 cheaper...[wink]

True, except i'm up close to NH, so it's not so bad... but I work in Cambridge [crying]

If you are out this way before you make a purchase, be sure to "shoot" me a PM. I'll be happy to oblige a fellow NES'er and guaranteed future member of the Ruger family [smile]
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