Membership Question


NES Member
Sep 18, 2013
Rockingham County, NH
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I joined Comm2a as a member in 2015 and have an ongoing donation setup and had received my awesome challenge coin several months ago. However, the membership letter I received with the coin mentioned that my membership expired in September of 2016. Do I have to do anything to renew my membership or does the ongoing monthly donation keep me in good stead? I ask because my club asks for proof of membership in either NRA, GOAL or Comm2a for a discount on yearly club dues but you have to prove membership. I don't have a way to prove I am currently a member in good standing of Comm2a so thought I would ask.
Apparently we missed a few renewals. The trigger that tells us to process a renewal wasn't set correctly. It's been fixed and I'll try to catch up next week.
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