Memorial Day

Rest easy Walt.

This is the first Memorial Day without him. Vietnam Marine, tough as nails and soft as a kitten.

His wife lives across the street from ma, as Walt did and flies the US flag and a USMC flag. I will drop those to half mast Monday and raise it at noon. She is not observing Covid 19 half mast.

I was amazed how soft and squishy the sand on Omaha Beach is. No doubt much has changed since D-Day 1944. Getting good traction was nearly impossible which made their advance extremely difficult not to mention having to concern themselves with all the ordinance raining down from above. An amazing feat of bravery. May they all rest in peace.
I was amazed how soft and squishy the sand on Omaha Beach is.

That is above the high tide line pack. If you watch the landings of the first wave, (you have to think about the photographers that made it that far up the beach before them and were shooting footage instead of shells) You will see those poor SOB's making their way up the hard packed sand just inside of the anti amphib structures.

To calmly walk into that shit storm raises my goosebumps and tears.

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