MG sale scam?

May 13, 2011
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So I'm almost certain this is a scam, but I wanted to put it out there in case anyone has any suggestions for what I should do (beyond "ignore them").

I have a WTB ad up for an M11/9. I get a PM from a brand new member with 0 posts, join date April 2015, saying to contact a guy at an e-mail address as he has one available. I e-mail, and get a response back saying he has an M11/9 with a Lage upper and Lage .22 kit, all for the low low price of $1800 (price includes delivery!) Already my BS alarms are going off, as this price is waaaaaay below market value. There are jpg files attached, but they won't open in gmail and I'm not about to download them to my computer.

Here's the kicker, he'll accept payment via Western Union or Moneygram. I'm fairly certain this is a surefire indicator that this is a scam.

So, do I string this scammer along for a bit and get their hopes up, then drop the deal last minute, or do I just ignore them and move on?

EDIT: Got another e-mail with pictures that actually open this time, no Lage accessories, and they look an awful lot like pictures that were pulled from a Gunbroker auction. I think I'll reply asking for a picture with some sort of proof that he actually has it (like a piece of paper with his e-mail address written on it or something). Guessing I'll get no response.
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On Sturm? You could report it, but nothing is gonna happen with it I'd guess.

Sounds like a scam though, for sure.

Nope, not on Sturm, PM here on NES in response to my WTB ad. I think I'll have some fun getting this guy to try and prove he's the real deal.
I thought this was gonna be something cool like one of those SAWs with the forged paperwork or whatever. [laugh]
I thought this was gonna be something cool like one of those SAWs with the forged paperwork or whatever. [laugh]

Sorry, nothing quite so cool as that. I just wonder, how dumb would someone have to be to fall for this? $1800 is about what it would cost just to buy the two Lage kits, without even factoring in the cost of the SMG itself.
I started easy, all I asked for was a pic with the gun and a piece of paper with his e-mail address written on it. Guessing I'll get a response at about half past never [laugh]
That sounds just like the scam that was going on at a year or so ago. Someone had posted a WTB and received a email from another member on that they knew someone who had one. Sent photos (later it was discovered that pics were taken from different site) and would only accept Western Union or Moneygram. I think he was located in Illinois or Michigan? I can't remember, but I think he took quite a few people. Definitely a scam.
That sounds just like the scam that was going on at a year or so ago. Someone had posted a WTB and received a email from another member on that they knew someone who had one. Sent photos (later it was discovered that pics were taken from different site) and would only accept Western Union or Moneygram. I think he was located in Illinois or Michigan? I can't remember, but I think he took quite a few people. Definitely a scam.

This one is purportedly from KY, but yeah sounds like the exact same scam.

Still no response, I'm shocked!
I've received two identical PM's this am about two WTB's i have. Guessing this guy is trying to BS a lot of users? He has no posts

Here is what I got


I can help you out with a lead. Please contact Bob on regarding your request. He is located in Owensboro, KY 42301 and the last time i talked to him, he had for sale. I purchased items from him in the past and they arrived in TOP condition. His cell # 502-257-6647.


The IP address he's using to log in is from Nigeria. What could go wrong?
Guys, if you see stuff like this please report it so it can be taken care of.
FYI, you find a lot of this on very careful if unless you are working with someone in state and can voice verify who you're dealing with. Lots of scammers on that site
Yep, it was a scam. I see so much crap on Strum that is a scam, just because it's an easily forged and a very unsecure medium.
Would be nice to have a system to start banning entire blocks of IP's or countries [smile]
I got this NES PM recently and didn't think anything about it until I read your post...


I have a lead for you.. Please contact Timothy on regarding your request. He is located in Loretto ,TN, USA and can arrange delivery. I purchased items from him and they arrived in TOP condition..His cell Phone # is (931) 305-2319.


It was from NES "member" "neshooterr"
I expierienced this with my Python WTB ad here. Said someone has one email them or call them and that they're legit and have bought from before.
I was happy at first but then it seemed sketchy and surely a bit later the account was banned on here.

Just like what DRB got
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