Mike Bloomberg 'wants Hillary Clinton as his running mate'

As much as i dont like bernie, he definitely keeps getting f***ed by the DEMs... i sayd DEMs and not “his party”... because hes an open socialist and the dems are closeted socialist.

bloomberg is choosing Hillary to steal the primary from bernie... hillary is just hillary...

bloomberg can spend as much as he wants it makes no difference..
Hillary running goes right along with this idea we should elect by popular vote..... we really need serious punnishment for voter fraud and to actual verify votes.
I almost forgot.. since both hillary and bloomberg live in newyork they cant get their electoral votes or somthing...so one of them has to change state of residency.....
after all their talk and bullshit about the electoral college they are openly gaming the system...
Bloomberg would probably NOT get the farmers vote after his comment on how easy it is to farm and intimating that you really don't need hard work or intelligence.

Wish I could find a recording of that.

added: Found it!

Bloomberg implied farming doesn't take intelligence in 2016 comments

Bloomberg would probably NOT get the farmers vote after his comment on how easy it is to farm and intimating that you really don't need hard work or intelligence.

Wish I could find a recording of that.

added: Found it!

Bloomberg implied farming doesn't take intelligence in 2016 comments

It's also in the link I posted :-P
It would be a good bet that the only time Bloomturd saw a farm when he was growing up in Medford, Ma. was when his family took him out to the Country to the Town of Dracut.
And in more Bloomturd fun

Wading into yet another contentious national debate, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg came out vigorously yesterday in support of the government's right to seize property by eminent domain, and said Congressional attempts to limit those powers would have dire consequences for the nation's cities.

His remarks come in the wake of a 2005 Supreme Court decision establishing the right of localities to seize properties for economic development projects. That ruling set off a firestorm that has spread across the country and in New York, where the potential use of eminent domain has drawn opposition in such projects as the proposed Atlantic Yards complex in Brooklyn.

"You would never build any big thing any place in any big city in this country if you didn't have the power of eminent domain," Mr. Bloomberg said, speaking at a ground-breaking ceremony in Times Square, which was redeveloped in part through government condemnation of private property. "You wouldn't have a job, neither would anybody else standing here today. None of us would."

Of late, Mr. Bloomberg has ramped up efforts to influence a range of national policy issues including immigration and gun control. But on this issue he is taking a position that could be at odds with the feelings of New Yorkers wary of development or suspicious of government efforts to seize private property.
And in more Bloomturd fun

Wading into yet another contentious national debate, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg came out vigorously yesterday in support of the government's right to seize property by eminent domain, and said Congressional attempts to limit those powers would have dire consequences for the nation's cities.

His remarks come in the wake of a 2005 Supreme Court decision establishing the right of localities to seize properties for economic development projects. That ruling set off a firestorm that has spread across the country and in New York, where the potential use of eminent domain has drawn opposition in such projects as the proposed Atlantic Yards complex in Brooklyn.

"You would never build any big thing any place in any big city in this country if you didn't have the power of eminent domain," Mr. Bloomberg said, speaking at a ground-breaking ceremony in Times Square, which was redeveloped in part through government condemnation of private property. "You wouldn't have a job, neither would anybody else standing here today. None of us would."

Of late, Mr. Bloomberg has ramped up efforts to influence a range of national policy issues including immigration and gun control. But on this issue he is taking a position that could be at odds with the feelings of New Yorkers wary of development or suspicious of government efforts to seize private property.

Don't know why this is surprising to anyone. Shitberg is the biggest statist in this race after Bernie. Straight up f*** this evil piece of shit, and I hope he gets f***ing prostate cancer.
After a considerable amount of Bourbon I got the nerve to watch the debate tonight. They are jumping ugly on Bloomberg. I love it when they eat their own. The rest of the pack are so vile I can’t even describe. Warren is the biggest BS artist on stage. Men in Black should send Bernie back to his planet.
Sounds like Hillary doesn't want to be mini-Mikes VP
Well, of course not, if the plan is for Bloomy to play spoiler to throw it to a "brokered" (i.e. decided by politburo) convention, at which SHE magically becomes the chosen candidate.
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