Mini 30 fix

Feb 14, 2009
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I have owned a Mini 30 for quite a while. From day one it was a picky eater. It would eat US factory ammo all day. It would have trouble with most of the Russian, Chinese, etc.. stuff. Wolf was the worst. It would misfire every 3'rd or 4'th round. Some were better but most had trouble. Ruger says to use US factory made ammo only so they don't think it is a problem. I got into handguns several years ago and kind of got away from playing with the Mini. I recently decided to take things further and found this to be a common problem with the little Ruger. Several places recommended switching the hammer spring to an "Extra Heavy" one from Wolff Springs. I made the switch recently and spent some time at the range. It ate everything I fed it. Wolf, Silver Bear, Norinco as well as some no name Russian stuff. 100 rounds without a single misfire.
If anyone owns a Mini 30 and wants to shoot the cheaper ammo it was the best $5.00 I've spent in a long time.
Nice. My mini-14 feeds wolf .223 just fine for the most part. The problem comes on the objective side. It keyholes at 25, 50 and 100 yards about 30% of the time. Don't know why since wolf is 55 grain, but ruger definitely makes finicky guns.
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