Mini Mag FTF

May 4, 2009
Lincoln, RI
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I am new to shooting and have been practicing with my Mark III and I have experienced 5 FTF in 300 rounds shooting mini mags is this okay or is that I high number of failures? These are the first 300 rounds put through the gun so far. Any help would be appreciated.

First 100 rounds through my MkIII were minimags, followed by remington target and federal bulk pack. The only failure was with the fed stuff. I've heard some tales of failures to feed and eject in the first couple hundred rounds, but not failure to fire.

Were there light strikes on the ones that didn't shoot? Notable by the smaller dimple from the firing pin compared to the other rounds.

Did the ammo get wet?
I have never had a FTF with a mini-mag, but wouldn't be overly concerned.
You will likely see more with bulk pack ammo (any manufacture) and may be somewhat higher. Some batches are good, so are not so good - a buddy got a 'bad' batch of the Federal bulk and was having FTF in about 1:20 (up there with Rem green box failures).
He had 3-4 bulk packs from the same lot, and all had issues - no other lots had significant issues (couple/550).
You should still contact CCI. I have never had any of their products fail in any way. The only ammo I've ever shot in .22lr that failed was Winchester Xpert. Still have about 400 left. Nothing is more frustrating than hearing "click". I have 1 old Savage bolt gun that shoots it, but is is so dirty. This is why I don't shoot cheap ammo.
I'd check the strikes to see if they were equal to fired cases. That might help you see if its the ammo or the gun...I'm guessing ammo as I can't imagine a mechanical problem with such a low occurrance rate.
If there was a clean hit on the rims of any of these cartridges, I'd call CCI for a mailer. .22LR is CCI's bread and butter and I'd think they would find that failure rate unacceptable. I seriously cannot remember a failure to fire with any CCI cartridge I've used...While I don't find the 5 for 300 unacceptable in most bulk-pack .22LR, I would be surprised to hear a "click" with CCI...
I recently purchased a 22lr upper for my AR. the only ammo in my test rounds that I had a a few problems with where CCI mini mags. FTfeed and getting hung up in the reciever/bolt area. No big deal still far less issues than my ruger MKs or 10/22
I would not worry about it. Maybe take a note book and note when the failure happens.
If it seems to happen more often then some action can be taken.
I heard nothing but good from minimags but a month ago I got WAY more than 5 FTFires out of 5/100 packs. I probably blasted off over 10k mini mags in my lifetime with no problems except that one time. I'd say I had 25 duds in those 500 I purchased. Here's where it gets complicated........ I bought 5/100 packs of minis and then I was at wally world one night and seen they just re stocked so I bought 10 more 100's. I put all the ammo away and weeks later went to use it and thats when the junk ammo surfaced. I wasn't sure if the duds were from the 5 or 10 100packs but I wrote to CCI and informed them. They asked me the batch number which I wasn't sure of since I mixed them all up but either way there were really only 2 different batch numbers in question. I gave them both numbers and they said they would look into it. They did offer to replace the ammo I had but I didn't care to go thru the hassle. Must have been something wrong with the production line that day or as we say at my shop when something goes wrong......... must have been made on a friday[wink] I won't lose sleep on 25 duds valued at aprox. 2 bucks.
I have never had a FTF with a mini-mag, but wouldn't be overly concerned.
You will likely see more with bulk pack ammo (any manufacture) and may be somewhat higher. Some batches are good, so are not so good - a buddy got a 'bad' batch of the Federal bulk and was having FTF in about 1:20 (up there with Rem green box failures).
He had 3-4 bulk packs from the same lot, and all had issues - no other lots had significant issues (couple/550).

I once bought a box of bulk Federal and 100% failed to fire. I think they must have missed the priming compound stage of manufacturing..they replaced the box for N/C.
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