mosin trigger broken

Bayside blue

NES Member
Jan 16, 2012
seacoast nh
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I was bored the other day and decided to dust off my mosin. Upon looking it over I noticed some slight signs of rust near the end of the barrel so I took it apart and cleaned it up. Upon putting the rifle back together I tried to slide the bolt back in and noticed it didn't easily slide in. I gave it a couple wiggles and it finally made its way in. As I released the trigger I noticed there was 0 resistance on it. Upon closer looking the trigger just flops around in the trigger guard. It seems as there is a pin holding the trigger in the receiver but the trigger itself touches nothing else. I am unable to remove the bolt and take apart the rifle again to look it over. Has anyone had this problem before or know of a way I can remove the bolt without damaging/destroying anything?
this whole thing does not compute. Bolt ... can you remove it by just using bolt handle? If not, ask a man to do it for you or use a hammer, JFC! You should be able to rotate it until the bolt handle points up.

Trigger is just a hook, is not complicated like AR15. Don't hurt your tools while working with Mosins.
LOL, this. If all else fails, use another Mosin to bash the bolt free. [laugh]

you have read the "secret manual"? [laugh]

Seriously though, bolt has two motions: 1. chamber rotate lock-unlock 2. slide in-out (make sure trigger is down to completely slide it out) If it gets stuck, two sharp kicks from a shovel usually frees up the bolt, but mechanism is not that complicated.
I can not pull the trigger to remove the bolt from the receiver.. the trigger no longer fires the gun nor does it allow me to remove the bolt from the reciever
^ I wish.

i was able to jam a small screw driver under the bolt and got it free. It seems my trigger pin has gone MIA. Thankfully they are very cheap to replace
This happened to me a week or so ago. I ended up finding the pin a few days later. All good now.
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