
NES Member
Mar 24, 2008
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Where are our guys that had the leads on getting the MA compliant version of this beast? Looking for quotes and ideas.
Ratworx was willing to create a MA compliant version last I heard. It essentially meant pulling off the evil terrorist criminal flash suppressor and welding on a good guy muzzle brake. I thought it was about a $150 charge or so.
I wish I was of more help, but I got mine from a fellow NES member (and his FFL) that were located outside MA.
It was just like NIB with only 90 rounds shot.

1) Call Ratworx and tell them you want one of the next batch they get in. They can put a brake on it before sending it out.
2) Have CDNN send it to a FFL (the type that deals with black rifles not a FUD shop) and then have said FFL / repair shop put on a brake before letting you take it home with you.
3) Call MSAR (Microtech) with CC in hand and have them send one to a "cool FFL" for you.
4) Find a deal on one at a nationwide site like Guns America and have them send it to a, well you know.

Also anybody that owns an MSAR should check out the Raptor charging handle as it safe you from scraped nuckles.

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Just check ratworx website. Can't find any STG rifle listed except a limited edition for $2200. I remember briefly that they were clearing out the rifle for about 1g last Nov (with rebates).
I heared that there is a gray area that this even needs to have to be made MA legal in the 1st place, any comments about that?
I heared that there is a gray area that this even needs to have to be made MA legal in the 1st place, any comments about that?

As far as I know, ratworx used to have MSAR E4 that is CA/NY/MA compliant. They can fixed a brake (extras charge) and come with 10 rds mags. I briefly interested on a bullpup sometime last Nov (that was last time I check).
it is a rifle, so couldn't just buy it in NH/Maine, get a comp installed, then bring it back and send in a FA-10?
Not to upset anybody, but I've had both and with no regrets the MSAR is still with me (I sold the FS2000 to fund the purchase). The MSAR STG 556 E4 points much better for me. It is smaller & has less weight. And with the death of the Styer American made AUG A3, MSAR will make it as a company. Microtec the parent company of MSAR has always made good knives.

Not to upset anybody, but I've had both and with no regrets the MSAR is still with me (I sold the FS2000 to fund the purchase). The MSAR STG 556 E4 points much better for me. It is smaller & has less weight. And with the death of the Styer American made AUG A3, MSAR will make it as a company. Microtec the parent company of MSAR has always made good knives.


I have both the E4 and the FS. I traded an stg556 even for the E4. Although I don't have a lot of experience with this E4 yet, and quite a bit with the stg, overall I like the FS better..
seanc - Like I had said I don't wish to upset anybody.
It's just that our personal tastes are not the same. My FN FS2000 did run like a beast, never a hickup. I am right handed so the MSAR ejection isn't a big deal. I'm am sure the FN FS2000 is a better system for a lefty. Heck the ejection and safety are designed with a lefty in mind. I just thought that the weapon was too wide and FN Tri Rail made the front of the rifle heavy (it screwed the balance for the rifle up). I do however like the mag catch on the FN (in the front of the magazine well) better than the MSAR (behind the magazine).
I would like to see the two rifles shoot side by side on a range to see what performs better.
The FS2000 doesn't appeal to me at all. I think they are mad ugly.

The AUG looks like it came out of Star Wars or something.

4-LOM agrees.
seanc - Like I had said I don't wish to upset anybody. It's just that our personal tastes are not the same.

Not upset at all. I love all bullpups. In the past I had the orig Aug, also the stg556. I currently has the FS, E4 and ps90. they are all great, and all different. It is all personal preference.
The FS2000 doesn't appeal to me at all. I think they are mad ugly.

The AUG looks like it came out of Star Wars or something.

4-LOM agrees.

Looks a lot more line an mg34/42 to me there.. For reference.. bull pups are the ones that generally have the mag/ feed in back of the trigger.. (lol)
North Shore Firearms has or had one in stock awhile back. They advertise that they can get them.

Not sure if you are referring to the $2000 MSAR STG or the $2400 FS2000 they have in stock. While their prices are generally good, they are waaaay off base on both of those. CDNN is going to have the best prices on either of those 2 rifles. FS2000's were under $1400 last time I looked and they were running clearance on the same STG Northshore has for under $900. Yes $900.
Looks a lot more line an mg34/42 to me there.. For reference.. bull pups are the ones that generally have the mag/ feed in back of the trigger.. (lol)

woah woah woah.

are you telling me this is not a MSAR E4?

This is my first weapons purchase. Whats an MG34?

It's not my fault that I dream of being in Starship Troopers every night, dick.

You digging those coed showers?
If there is somebody that just can't live with it, I'll be happy to trade my MSAR E4 for an MG34 or MG42.


About the coed shower, Yes if Denise Richards is in one.
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