Drainmaster electric valves
Flawless so far, 4yrs? but ours were/are hypersensitive to tightening torque-indicating lights sometimes will not indicate 'open'-its finger tight plus 3/4's for ours, never leaked even a molecule of tank contents
Waste Master rv hose
ordered a custom six foot section which expands without having to pull hard to every situation we have come across-have had it permanently connected, protected by a sleeve made from epdm for well over 50k miles
360 roof vent
replacing the vents should be expected, either through damage or the effects of uv literally making the origninals into plastic 'crackers'-I discovered that for the ones we got 1" pvc pipe fit perfectly into the vents which simplified the job greatly
Other suggestions ?
Electric Waste Valves | Drain Master

Flawless so far, 4yrs? but ours were/are hypersensitive to tightening torque-indicating lights sometimes will not indicate 'open'-its finger tight plus 3/4's for ours, never leaked even a molecule of tank contents
Waste Master rv hose
Motor Homes - Sewer Hoses and Storage | Drain Master

360 roof vent
360 RV Roof Vent | Drain Master

replacing the vents should be expected, either through damage or the effects of uv literally making the origninals into plastic 'crackers'-I discovered that for the ones we got 1" pvc pipe fit perfectly into the vents which simplified the job greatly
Other suggestions ?