Well I'll begin with my question. What is an acceptable group size from a 10/22 carbine all stock components? Now the details: I own a 10/22 carbine with a BSA sweet .22 scope. Iv'e had the rifle for about a year and have used it for plinking. When I first bought it I sighted it in and was shooting 2" groups at 100 yards. Now yesterday in honor of the great weather I took it out and tried to replicate that performance to no avail. I shot it from using Federal 40 grain ammo (the silver box stuff). My groups were all over the place at 100 yards. At 50 yards the groups were a good three inches with flyers. Now I'm not dead eye dick but I tried to eliminate all human error by shooting it from a bench rest rifle holder. I was so dismayed I went home and tightened all the scope screws and cleaned the barrel. Today I took the rifle out with several different types of ammo. The rifle seemed to shoot even worse. I tried winchester copper plated 40 grain HV. Aquila 68 grain subsonic (to try to eliminate the transonic effect which I thought may be a problem) and Federal Gold 40 grain. Nothing seemed to help. I shot from the bench rest, bipod and prone. I do admit the factory trigger is the worst I've ever shot save for the factory M&P gritty mess (since remedied thanks to Dave Santurri). Does anybody have any suggestions without putting major money in the rifle? Could the bore be compromised by a previous cleaning? Is it just not that accurate of a rifle out of the box; that the original groups I shot were a fluke? Is there a preferred ammo that experienced shooters have had good luck with? Could it be that after all the plinking some leading has occurred? (there is no keyholing). As a side note I am paranoid about leading and therefore don't shoot much lead. Mostly copper washed ammo in my rimfires. Is that paranoid or prudent? And never in any of my centerfires. I hope this post isn't too long. Any advice from the more experience would be appreciated.