My First 1911 (PICS!)

Sep 15, 2009
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Well, for the purists out there it's not a 1911 due to the external extractor, but to me it is [smile].

On Friday I picked up a used SW1911PD with the scandium frame. After putting 70 rounds through it, I discovered that the plunger tube (holds the slide stop plunger and the safety plunger) was loose and caused the thumb safety to not disengage. I brought it back to the shop and they re-staked the plunger tube.

Aside from my XD, its the only gun I have that has not had a FTF, FTE, FTL, etc. There are some minor dings, but that is to be expected on a used gun.

I have found that the checkering on the mainspring housing is sharp to me, especially when I shoot (must be my computer geek hands as my dad and brother don't mind it). I can get an Ed Brown MSH off Brownells for $47 (the chain-link one).
Is it easy to replace the MSH or should I have a smith do it for me? The other option would be to file the checkering myself (probably look like crap) or have a smith do it.

It only came with one mag [sad]. But I can get more [grin]. What do people recommend for mags that are flush with the bottom of the grip? Is the grip on the SW1911PD a full size grip?

Also, I can't tell from the SW site, is the slide blued or parkerized? I ask because I want to know how to properly take care of it.
I've been using rem oil for lubrication, is there something else that is better?

Does anyone know if you can put a bull barrel into the SW1911PD's?

And here are the pics!


Yes the grip is full size (8 rounds). The plunger tube issue seems to be common, even on new S&W 1911pd's. My wife bought the 4.25" pistol brand new and the plunger tube fell off a couple of months later. S&W was quick to repair it and there have been no other issues with the pistol since. Its blued, not park'd. I'd swap out the housing before taking a file to it.

I have a S&W1911Sc (Another Scandium frame) full size and haven't had any issues with it at all.
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