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Yup, they sure do have it down to a science. Resisting them is quite futile as you won't get anywhere nor will they even put their refusal in writing if they don't want to.

When I first went to renew my license, I naively thought I could just bring my license and $100 and do a quick renewal. Little did I know that I'd have to go all the way back through the entire process all over again.

I had some words with one of the sergeants there who was extremely rude and nasty to me. He claimed that "suitability" was the reason why I had to start all over again. I explained that "suitability" had already been established as that's why I had the license in my hand already and that none of my information had changed since I got it. He slammed his card down on the counter (as I'd asked him for it), said he wasn't renewing my license and walked away. He left me standing there at the counter and none of the other people would even look at me.

That's the kind of bullshit that the Boston PD engages in. They do WHATEVER THEY WANT to you and you have NO recourse and no ability to do anything. Take them to court? Ha! On what grounds? They can twist "suitability" to mean anything they damn well want and tough crap if you don't like it.

At this point I regard the Boston PD licensing department and Menino himself as scumbags, pure and simple. I have no respect for them whatsoever. They are a corrupt, incompetent police department that should be ripped apart and totally reformed. That will never happen in Meninostan, however. The corruption, incompetence and abuse of law abiding gun owners will continue.

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