My Ruger Mark III works intermittently

Aug 10, 2005
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My Ruger Mark III works intermittently. Under normal conditions, insert magazine, release slide, cartridge loads, pull trigger, no bang. Hold gun in vertical position, load in same manner, and point gun down range it goes bang. If level, the hammer does not remain in the cocked position, vertical it cocks. Any guesses?
Sear spring not on sear correctly. Little leg to the rear and up infront of sear, long leg behind magwell inbetween pin and magwell wall. If the spring is on correct or not broken sear is under tension and will not flop around.
^ What he said.
There are about 6 trillion threads on the difficulty of dis/reassembly of the MKIII. Search them out, read a few, and you'll get a good idea of the main areas of the gun that require the most troubleshooting.
IIRC SRB is a member at BR&P?

If so, drop by the club in the afternoon any day and see the CRO, he's the club FFL and is very knowledgeable and helpful. I'm sure that he can fix you up in a few minutes.
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