Nashua Fish and Game Club Rules

Oct 10, 2011
Too Close to MA, NH
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My friend/roommate is moving to the Nashua area and he's looking at ranges. He's pretty much selected Nashua Fish and Game, but their site doesn't allow you to see range rules without a login (which is dumb).

What he's trying to figure out is what the rules are, as they pertain to defensive shooting. I'm hoping to find some members there who can weigh in on the rules and the attitude there.

At our current range, there isn't a problem with rapid firing, drawing, moving-and-shooting, and there are 3-sided pits where you can shoot in a 180 degree arc. Basically our current range doesn't have any issues with real training. I'm aware though that most ranges are less laid back and some enforce square range shooting only, and even have rapid firing restrictions. At our range, the rules are basically: follow the 4 cardinal rules, use the right calibers on the right ranges, bullets hit the berm, and that's it. You can shoot forward of the firing line if you're the only person on a range, and as long as you're being safe they don't restrict what you do.

Can anyone weigh in regarding NF&G.
This is straight from their rule book. I only picked out a few rules from the ranges I use most frequently. NFGA does have a waiting list to join.

Prohibited actions:

The Federal Range (plinker range)
Drawing and shooting from a holster.

Fowler Range(100 yard range)
The following types of shooting are not allowed:
Combat shooting
Fast Draw shooting
Shooting from the hip
Cross firing (except during International Rapid Fire Matches)
A recognizable person's image, in either cartoon or realistic form, shall not be used as a target

Proctor Range (indoor)
Combat style shooting
Fast-draw shooting.
Shooting from the hip.
Cross-firing (except during International Rapid Fire Matches and Air Pistol Rapid Fire Matches).
Barricade type shooting.
Fudd club (there was a regime change and action shooting basically just about got banned there) tell him to look at Pelham or any of the other half dozen non lame clubs... one problem is all or nearly all of the good ones worth joining are waitlisted at this point.
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