Nashville school shooter's violent rant REVEALED at last: Audrey Hale wrote about her 'torture' as a trans girl

Most people like her have mental illness. The libs are telling them it's normal and your family doesn't understand. So they hide their feelings from friends and family. Then things like this happen. I think it's only going to get worse. The people makings things like this happen are not just dems and libs. There are people trying to weaken this country. To what end we can only guess.
Most people like her have mental illness. The libs are telling them it's normal and your family doesn't understand. So they hide their feelings from friends and family. Then things like this happen. I think it's only going to get worse. The people makings things like this happen are not just dems and libs. There are people trying to weaken this country. To what end we can only guess.
I think the stupid f***ing drugs, lack of real looney bins and facilities, and the whole mandated reporter business doesn't help. And yes someone will tell me why having mandated reporters rat on people is important but imho it hurts more than helps. These people with issues feel imprisoned and I think it worsens their condition by making them feel more isolated. Part of the problem is as a society it's almost completely illegal to express intrusive thoughts even though it's obvious everyone has them, and anyone who says they don't is probably a liar.
Was she on drugs? I have no idea. Getting rid of the mental institutions really hurt us. I'm old enough to remember them. I can remember once in a while one escaping from Danvers state. They, whoever they are, are pushing the agenda that its ok to change your gender on 6 year olds. Keeping information from the parents. Then helping the kid, without the parents knowledge, change their name and how they dress. Some kids from the beginning of time have questioned their sexuality. Most get over it. The libs are pushing these kids to change their sex. Making it normal with shemale story hour.
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I think the stupid f***ing drugs, lack of real looney bins and facilities, and the whole mandated reporter business doesn't help. And yes someone will tell me why having mandated reporters rat on people is important but imho it hurts more than helps. These people with issues feel imprisoned and I think it worsens their condition by making them feel more isolated. Part of the problem is as a society it's almost completely illegal to express intrusive thoughts even though it's obvious everyone has them, and anyone who says they don't is probably a liar.
Yeah, I don’t see how mandatory reporting helps anything it makes people not want to go.

It’s like when you go down there and say “does this need stitches“ then they have to go and ask what happened…..
Most people like her have mental illness. The libs are telling them it's normal and your family doesn't understand. So they hide their feelings from friends and family. Then things like this happen. I think it's only going to get worse. The people makings things like this happen are not just dems and libs. There are people trying to weaken this country. To what end we can only guess.
I feel like we've gone past that to full on f***ing celebrating it at the highest levels. Its sickening. I hope its nefarious the alternative is just too mind bogglingly stupid the people orchastrating it believe in it.
Was she on drugs? I have no idea. Getting rid of the mental institutions really hurt us. I'm old enough to remember them. I can remember once in a while one escaping from Danvers state. They, whoever they are, are pushing the agenda that its ok to change your gender on 6 year olds. Keeping information from the parents. Then helping the kid, without the parents knowledge, change their name and how they dress. Some kids from the beginning of time have questioned their sexuality. Most get over it. The libs are pushing these kids to change their sex. Making it normal with shemale story hour.
Reagan? I want to say or nixon... i forget which one was fundamental in closing the institutions down so his donors who were private prison companies would which they did.

The gender idealogy shit is terrifying.
Was she on drugs? I have no idea. Getting rid of the mental institutions really hurt us. I'm old enough to remember them. I can remember once in a while one escaping from Danvers state. They, whoever they are, are pushing the agenda that its ok to change your gender on 6 year olds. Keeping information from the parents. Then helping the kid, without the parents knowledge, change their name and how they dress. Some kids from the beginning of time have questioned their sexuality. Most get over it. The libs are pushing these kids to change their sex. Making it normal with shemale story hour.


A good book on that topic, by a sometimes 2ndA author, Clayton Cramer. Sure, involuntary commitment was abused, but the civil right advocacy for the mentally ill was co-opted by politicians since the 60s who wanted to cut budget lines and spend the money elsewhere.

Fast-forward 50-60 years and we’re past running out of money for government to supply services deemed necessary by civilized society. The regulatory state has grow to the extent that keeping farm animals has become unaffordable, let alone keeping people.

It’s too expensive to keep those with severe mental illness in mental institutions - even if they treat people like animals.

It’s too expensive to keep the homeless in shelters - even if they treat people like animals.

It’s too expensive to keep illegals immigrants in housing- even if they treat people like animals.

It’s too expensive to keep violent criminals in prisons - even if they treat them like animals.

It’s too expensive to treat the elderly infirm in nursing houses - even if they treat people like animals.
Most ALL people like her have mental illness. The libs are telling them it's normal and your family doesn't understand. So they hide their feelings from friends and family. Then things like this happen. I think it's only going to get worse. The people makings things like this happen are not just dems and libs. There are people trying to weaken this country. To what end we can only guess.
FIFY. She IS the definiation of mental illness
The one thing we'll never be allowed to know us what kind of SSRIs this kid was taking before it went FR.
Your answer on the SSRI's

And yes someone will tell me why having mandated reporters rat on people is important but imho it hurts more than helps.

I don't disagree. I don't like being a mandated reporter.

The upshot is that without a mandated reporter statute, a LOT of people who suspect child abuse (and, in many cases, are right to suspect it) will never report it unless they're forced to. So the abuse goes on, and in some cases escalates. The legislatures who passed those statutes decided that the continued abuse is a bigger societal harm than the mandated reporting.

In the real world, it's mostly directed toward teachers when elementary students tell them about abusive parents. But it relates to HS students too, and that's when it's more of a problem: nobody has an issue with a third-grader's abusive parent getting nabbed, but HS students know how to game the system and get their parents into trouble. They often do.

Teens with real abuse who are too scared to seek their own help often understand the statute too, and keep quiet about it. It's a catch-22: without a mandated reporter statute, kids stay in abusive homes. With a statute, kids often keep their mouths shut... and stay in abusive homes. It's a problem.
Yeah, I don’t see how mandatory reporting helps anything it makes people not want to go.

It’s like when you go down there and say “does this need stitches“ then they have to go and ask what happened…..
They say 22 Vets a day kill themselves. Most vets are gun guys and a lot of them land jobs in the government at some level. State and Feds give hiring preference to veterans.

What happens when you go to look for help for suicidal feelings? The cops kick your door in, shoot your dog and take your guns while the guys with butterfly nets take you to the loony bin. Bye bye gun rights and security clearance.

Think there may be a link between mandated reporting and people not seeking help?
This is what happens when we accept, support and coddle the mentally ill as “ normal “
and some would argue those people fleecing donations for a fake cause, only to pocket the donations themselves are in fact Mentally Ill. do you agree?
I don't disagree. I don't like being a mandated reporter.

The upshot is that without a mandated reporter statute, a LOT of people who suspect child abuse (and, in many cases, are right to suspect it) will never report it unless they're forced to. So the abuse goes on, and in some cases escalates. The legislatures who passed those statutes decided that the continued abuse is a bigger societal harm than the mandated reporting.
Legislators = politicians = idiots.

But let me give you what's admittedly an anecdotal example: my cousin. She was sexually abused by my aunt's then-boyfriend. This was discovered by her (and my then) pediatrician, a Mandatory Reporter. Who was, of course, horrified and did exactly what he was Mandated to do: he reported it, to what was then called Connecticut Department of Children and Youth Services (DCYS). Who did...

...wait for it...

...exactly NOTHING.


Seriously, they did nothing. At all.

The only reason that creep is out of their lives is the uncles got wind of it, and did what uncles do, and he's gone.
Legislators = politicians = idiots.

But let me give you what's admittedly an anecdotal example: my cousin. She was sexually abused by my aunt's then-boyfriend. This was discovered by her (and my then) pediatrician, a Mandatory Reporter. Who was, of course, horrified and did exactly what he was Mandated to do: he reported it, to what was then called Connecticut Department of Children and Youth Services (DCYS). Who did...

...wait for it...

...exactly NOTHING.


Seriously, they did nothing. At all.

The only reason that creep is out of their lives is the uncles got wind of it, and did what uncles do, and he's gone.

If you read my post as any kind of endorsement of mandated reporting, you should go back and read it again.

I'm sorry to hear about your cousin. I hope she was able to overcome what was done to her.
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