NE - Father Shoots At Son's Assailant

Jul 30, 2009
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After a man was shot and critically injured in front of a west Omaha house early Friday, his father fired back at the assailant.

Bullets flew, blasting through the walls of a house across the street and narrowly missing a woman's head.

Bryan J. Hall, 30, was shot at least twice in his abdomen while talking with a man on the porch of the house where Hall lives with his father and grandmother.


After Hall was shot, his father, Richard Hall, then fired off some .22 caliber rounds from a rifle at the assailant as he ran off, Volk said, but there were "no indications that he hit the suspect."

A number of rounds hit a house across the street. One missed Jennifer Hiner's head by just over a foot.

The Hiners had relatives in from out of town and were playing cards when shots started slamming through their home.

Jennifer Hiner was upstairs, bent over by the master bedroom closet getting a blow-up bed ready for some of the children in the home.

"We were playing cards and all of sudden everyone is on the floor and bullets are flying through the house," said Fred Hiner.


According to Lt. Darci Tierney, a police spokeswoman, Hall was talking with a man on the front step who reportedly said he was having car trouble and needed help. Eventually, Hall told the man that he needed to get to bed. That's when the man shot Hall.

Hall's father, Richard Hall, had retrieved his .22 rifle earlier because he was suspicious of what the man truly wanted. When Richard saw the suspect pull a gun, he fired the rifle at the suspect. It is unknown if the suspect was hit.


Richard Hall was not arrested or cited in connection with the shots he fired. The Douglas County Attorney will determine whether charges are warranted.

Fred Hiner, 38, said the bullet holes in his house are a reminder that violence happens all over the city.

"I don't even own a gun but now I'm thinking about buying one and getting registered and learning how to use one properly to protect my family," Hiner said.

Hiner said he isn't angry with Richard Hall for the bullets that hit the Hiner home. "I can only imagine someone shooting at my son. The anxiety we felt and we didn't see our son shot. We have complete compassion and are praying for the family," Hiner said.

UPDATE: Father Talks About Firing Back at Son's Shooter...

A father who opened fire on a man who had just shot his son is defending his decision to pull the trigger.

Rick Hall says he knew something wasn't right when a black man in his late 20's, dressed in a hoodie sweatshirt and wearing white, cotton gloves, came to his family's front door just after midnight Friday morning.

The man said his car had broken down near 168th Avenue and Pine Street, and that he needed to use a phone.
That was not random. the shooter just happened to pick that house to stop and ask for a phone? with his hoodie and wearing white gloves so as not to leave prints? oh wait my bad he had the gloves on to help do some gardening in payment for using the phone.
This doesn't pass the smell test. The son clearly wasn't picked at random. Turf battle or drug stuff I bet.
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