Need clarification on NFA question


NES Member
Feb 5, 2006
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I've been scouring the NFA threads, but couldn't find an explicit answer to this question.

I know even with a tax stamp in Mass I still can't have a suppressor. Does that mean all threaded barrels must still have a pinned/welded muzzle device on them?

If so it seems the only things a tax stamp buys me in Mass is permission to use flash hiders and short barrels. I still can't have a removable muzzle device. Right?

Nope .
Pistols and rifles that wouldn't trigger the awb you can have a threaded barrel.

My psl has a threaded barrel . The thumb hole stock doesn't count as a pistol grip . . So it's not Killy enough and makes the threaded barrel on
That really depends how literally you want to follow laws, and which laws you wish to follow literally as there are conflicting theories on the matter. You seem to be mixing two of them thinking threaded barrels are not allowed but flash suppressors are. Typically, one side of the coin is that the MA rules prohibit BOTH flash suppressors AND threaded barrels. The other side is that MA rules don't apply to NFA items because MA defines "assault rifles" must meet the definition of a rifle and thus require a barrel longer than 16 to apply. The question is which do you follow, MA, or Fed? That's something yet to be answered by the courts, but in practice seems to be whichever the builder is comfortable with. Both sides make good points and I certainly can't advise one way or the other. There is definitely more to be said on the matter, and I'm sure others will contribute.
I am not giving advice either way, but read the MGL definition of a rifle, then read the AW law, then realize if you are building an SBR you are building a firearm that technically isn't a rifle by the letter of the law in MA.

Ya dig?
...and since it's a fuzzy line, some are inclined to cherry pick rules to avoid hassle from those not quite up to speed. An example of this is not pinning and welding the barrel, but not using an obvious flash hider (A2, noveske kx, allstar corkscrew).
But I thought the key to all this was the complete prohibition of suppressors in Mass, even with a tax stamp.
In order to enforce that they enacted the requirement for pinned/welded devices.

Looking at it from that perspective, whether it be a SBR, whatever, I would think any unpinned threaded barrel would be clearly ruled illegal.

But I understand what you're all saying, this is not cut and dry.
But I thought the key to all this was the complete prohibition of suppressors in Mass, even with a tax stamp.
In order to enforce that they enacted the requirement for pinned/welded devices.

That's reading too much into law that isn't explicitly stated, which supporters of gun control LOVE to see. If it isn't on the books, assumptions are a slippery slope to rely on. Besides, one could very easily build a suppressor that doesn't rely on a threaded barrel (slotted groove, clamp, hell - even duct tape can hold a device on).
But I thought the key to all this was the complete prohibition of suppressors in Mass, even with a tax stamp.
In order to enforce that they enacted the requirement for pinned/welded devices.

Looking at it from that perspective, whether it be a SBR, whatever, I would think any unpinned threaded barrel would be clearly ruled illegal.

But I understand what you're all saying, this is not cut and dry.

The limits in whom can own sound supressors in MA has no corelation to threaded muzzles.

Threaded muzzles are restricted on certain semi automatic firearms due to the MA 1998 assualt weapons ban. (Which was a copy of the federal ban in 1994)
I am not giving advice either way, but read the MGL definition of a rifle, then read the AW law, then realize if you are building an SBR you are building a firearm that technically isn't a rifle by the letter of the law in MA.

Ya dig?

the stuff that us MA residents waste time worrying over is mind boggling to me.

both of these.

what ed's posted has been posted a thousand times, probably 250 times by me personally. read the definition and then make your decision. there is no case law, IANAL. decide for yourself, OP.
both of these.

what ed's posted has been posted a thousand times, probably 250 times by me personally. read the definition and then make your decision. there is no case law, IANAL. decide for yourself, OP.
Too bad that it's not possible to get an answer in writing from the state. Anyway, going back to the OP, a tax stamp covers only one item. With the 07 FFL and SOT you can make/have all the suppressors you want in Mass. Jack.
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