Need to refresh my first aid/survival backpack


NES Member
Nov 29, 2009
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My backpack has everything from scalpels, wound stapler, band aids, gauze, scissors, 14 millimeter gloves, immodium, potassium iodine, etc. etc. Much of it has been sitting in my bag forgotten about for years. Does anyone know of, and can approve, a comprehensive list of some kind that's online somewhere?
I’ve got a lot of stuff from rescue essentials no matter what you’re gonna do you’re better off peace Mealing it all together.

It’s always a good idea to have a tourniquet, israili bandage, chest seal or decompression needles. Quick clot, emergency eyewash, peroxide, alcohol all that stuff.

Some over the Counter medicine..

Rubbers/ plan B

Mines not a backpack, so I have a litter for caring people out. Never hurts to have some duct tape.

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One thing I do that some of you folks might like: I save dryer lint and compress it as much as I can into a bag. It's an excellent fire starter and doesn't take up a lot of space.
What happens if you take Narcan and you are not overdosing?

Nothing, it only reacts to opioids.
Sorry missed your post.. nothing happens.. sometimes it takes several doses to work anyway… the injectable is preferable, but for the nasal stuff it’s advice to use a bag to help them breathe get it through their sinus…

And ya they wake up unhappy and sick.
Sorry missed your post.. nothing happens.. sometimes it takes several doses to work anyway… the injectable is preferable, but for the nasal stuff it’s advice to use a bag to help them breathe get it through their sinus…

And ya they wake up unhappy and sick.
Trust me I know I'm a first responder in my town, I have personal narcaned 6-7 PTs and all the same end results, puking and pissed we killed there high.
The old saying is "narcan works on two types of people, ones who are OD'ing and liars".
Well, let's hope heroin isn't inadvertently injected into my family and friends in the zombie apocalypse because I don't have narcan in my prepper bag(s) I do have one in my every day first aid kit, though.
We used to use a BVM ( bag valve mask ) and one maybe two hits of narcan would get the PT back from the brink, but they are now saying not to use a mask as it can create a obstruction in the airway when the PT comes around and pukes. I just lay it over the PTs mouth/nose area and hold tight with my hand and be ready to remove when he/she pops.

I would say anyone putting a bag together for trauma, not only learn to use it but also CPR, that is probably what you will use most out of a kit if you have a loved one down, or anyone you are willing to help. I have performed CPR on fire, MVA's and yes scene's of codes and unresponsive folks. But outside of simple stuff like BP and getting vitals CPR is a tool I mostly use.
and you tote this backpack when and where...everywhere? heading to metalica, never know when you'll need a scalpel.
Has anyone purchased Narcan from the local pharmacy? What is the process/paperwork?
Pardon my ignorance, but what's the use of narcan in a first aid/survival backpack? I keep a full first aid kit in my trunk (boo boos, wound spray, gauze, israeli bandage, tourniquet, etc), but I never considered adding narcan to my trunk or in my survival backpack.
Has anyone purchased Narcan from the local pharmacy? What is the process/paperwork?
Narcan is free upon request in MA.. they’re supposed to make you watch a video but they don’t… the narcan is free. But the charge 25-35$ for the nasal tip that screws onto it.

I don’t know about the auto injecter the one I have left is from an old friend that take a lot of prescriptions… it got left in my truck. It was just in case he accidentally forgot that he took his medication or perhaps had more than two beers.
Pardon my ignorance, but what's the use of narcan in a first aid/survival backpack? I keep a full first aid kit in my trunk (boo boos, wound spray, gauze, israeli bandage, tourniquet, etc), but I never considered adding narcan to my trunk or in my survival backpack.
You’re more likely to save somebody with some Narcan these days. I find junkies dead/dieing everywhere.

I’m not an emt or PD… barely leave my house other than Work. I was at the gas station the other day, and I thought this “person” was dying in the bathroom , but there was a cop there so.. I didn’t get involved.
I despise these people but they are all someone son/daughter/shim they whatever pronoun.
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