NES Machine Gun Shoot??

Aug 28, 2005
My house and gun shop in NH
Feedback: 42 / 0 / 0
So last Sunday was the 6th machine gun shoot in the past 3 years that I have done at the gun club I belong to. It is for members and their guests. It's to raise money for the club and to have fun. I have about 28 machine guns and about 10 other NFA type guns I bring for people to shoot. I have been throwing out an invite to NES people and get a few people to come. I think I would get more of you to come but it is in Enfield NH and that's pretty far from MA where a lot of NES people are.
So that got me thinking, if there was a place closer to the MA line (staying in NH) that would host something like this then more NES people would be able to come because it is closer. I just don't know of any place.
So this is what I was envisioning
1) It would be for NES Members and their guests
2) Cap the attendance to say 100 people ish to keep it some what manageable.
3) Have myself and 1-3 other FFL's with machine guns for people to rent. That way there could be a good variety of guns to shoot. Would have to talk amongst ourselves so that we don't bring a lot of the same guns. It would be cool to get 50 or so different machine guns for people to choose from to shoot.
4) attendees can bring their own ammo to shoot as long as it's factory ammo or good surplus.
5) Have someone that wants to sell ammo for people that don't have the ammo for a certain gun but want to shoot it.
6) would need volunteer range officers to escort people to the line when shooting to make sure they are shooting safely.
7) charge say $200 to attend, that would get them an all access pass and they could shoot what ever guns they want. It's like going to the fair and getting a pass to ride all the rides you want for just one price.
8) The money make would go to the place hosting it, NES and the people that brought the machine guns for the shoot. We would have to figure out the split.
9) do it in the spring or fall so it's not to hot out.
10) Have it go from 10am to like 4pm

There is probably more but I can't think of it at the moment. This was just a basic outline that would probably need to be refined. So do you guys think this would be posable or am I just dreaming?
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You want to give the idiots on here guns to shoot? Full auto to boot? You're nuts.

I'd come help. But I don't think that's the kind of thing I'd be able to swing (financially) to attend.
Just looked to see where Enfield, NH actually is... Holy F Batman... Over 90 miles north west of Pelham. Kissing distance to Vermont. Almost straight north of Keene.

That being said, I'd consider it IF I have the funds to pay and the arrival time isn't stupid early. Still need to land a new job before that happens.
Just looked to see where Enfield, NH actually is... Holy F Batman... Over 90 miles north west of Pelham. Kissing distance to Vermont. Almost straight north of Keene.

That being said, I'd consider it IF I have the funds to pay and the arrival time isn't stupid early. Still need to land a new job before that happens.
This shoot if it can be done would be close to the MA line so that people wouldn't have to drive as far. Enfield NH is a trek.
Just looked to see where Enfield, NH actually is... Holy F Batman... Over 90 miles north west of Pelham. Kissing distance to Vermont. Almost straight north of Keene.

That being said, I'd consider it IF I have the funds to pay and the arrival time isn't stupid early. Still need to land a new job before that happens.

I'll wave the next time I run up 202.

edit: oh Pelham NH. I was thinking Pelham MA.

Side note, I found Bellow's Falls was a place in VT
Just looked to see where Enfield, NH actually is... Holy F Batman... Over 90 miles north west of Pelham. Kissing distance to Vermont. Almost straight north of Keene.
[laugh]Might as well make a VT hiking trip out of it. Closer to Nashua would be ideal for MA NES members (anything along rt3 or 93).

Also, I can be a RSO no problem.

And OP, this is very generous of you to offer this to us [kiss]
So last Sunday was the 6th machine gun shoot in the past 3 years that I have done at the gun club I belong to. It is for members and their guests. It's to raise money for the club and to have fun. I have about 28 machine guns and about 10 other NFA type guns I bring for people to shoot. I have been throwing out an invite to NES people and get a few people to come. I think I would get more of you to come but it is in Enfield NH and that's pretty far from MA where a lot of NES people are.
So that got me thinking, if there was a place closer to the MA line (staying in NH) that would host something like this then more NES people would be able to come because it is closer. I just don't know of any place.
So this is what I was envisioning
1) It would be for NES Members and their guests
2) Cap the attendance to say 100 people ish to keep it some what manageable.
3) Have myself and 1-3 other FFL's with machine guns for people to rent. That way there could be a good variety of guns to shoot. Would have to talk amongst ourselves so that we don't bring a lot of the same guns. It would be cool to get 50 or so different machine guns for people to choose from to shoot.
4) attendees can bring their own ammo to shoot as long as it's factory ammo or good surplus.
5) Have someone that wants to sell ammo for people that don't have the ammo for a certain gun but want to shoot it.
6) would need volunteer range officers to escort people to the line when shooting to make sure they are shooting safely.
7) charge say $200 to attend, that would get them an all access pass and they could shoot what ever guns they want. It's like going to the fair and getting a pass to ride all the rides you want for just one price.
8) The money make would go to the place hosting it, NES and the people that brought the machine guns for the shoot. We would have to figure out the split.
9) do it in the spring or fall so it's not to hot out.
10) Have it go from 10am to like 4pm

There is probably more but I can't think of it at the moment. This was just a basic outline that would probably need to be refined. So do you guys think this would be posable or am I just dreaming?

Enfield isn't ALL that far from me. Just a matter of timing. This is a busy time of year :(

I'll get to one of these some year!
With all do respect to the NES committee. Erik is the only reason that I and everyone else had a chance to go full auto on Sunday. Now, he is trying to make theses events available to other people/clubs. Lets try and help him with HIS generous offer...
Hopefully the saying "no good deed goes unpunished" will not come true. This guy is trying to do something good for us and we should all be behind him.
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