NES025 and NES026 Stress Testing

Aug 23, 2005
Jacksonville, FL (AKA a free state)
Feedback: 11 / 0 / 0
Well, found a place I could really put the ARs through a stress test on the parts. It isn't as hard as I would have liked it, but given my funds something is better than nothing.

Location Seconad Amendment Inc Indoor Range
Ammo: Brown Bear 62gr (160 rnds)
Winchester 223 52gr (80 rnds)
Magazines: Magpul 30 rnd PMags
Rate of Fire: As fast as I could pull the trigger

NES026 (16" BCM Mid-length Gas System)

This has got to be the sweetest AR I have shot to date, and the only thing I can see to make it shoot even sweeter is get rid of the POS generic trigger and put in a Geiselle SSA. Didn't have a camera and this was not for groupings (yet). There was only 1 Failure to Fire and I am siting it as ammo and not the gun. It had a good solid strike to the primer and it was also last shot. Put it back in the mag and fired again and down the range it went.

NES025 (10.5" LMT SBR)

This is just pure fun to shoot. VERY loud report when firing (though doubt its as bad as an EC 500 S&W load) and certainly going to look into getting a silencer for it. Fired everything I gave it and wanted more. Another thing is I may have to look into getting it a compensator or another FH or such because it really liked to jump a bit.


The BCG I got held up great, though I had to let the rifles cool down a good 20 mins or so to be able to handle them. The magpul BUIS is really nice, not as robust as a Troy but given I want my SBR to be on the light side a good tradeoff.

I shot so fast that it looks like the end of the barrels rusted from the shooting, and the smoke from the firing was fun, nothing like the smell of gunpowder in the air.
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