New ATF director named?

ATF is supposed to be sure they collect their # and people aren't making illegal guns or explosives or booze. I'm assuming there is no money in making your own tobacco and selling it. Beyond that they need to just back off.
Under Obama there was commentary that 4473s get shared with interpol. If such a case is true, past 4473s are never going to just disappear.
I can tell you for a certainty that in 2009-2012 the FBI was scanning pallets of rejected 4473s, purportedly from when known felons were trying to purchase firearms over the counter.
This is interesting, and not surprising. I wonder if any of the feds monitoring this forum chimed in on the best laser clinics for the removal of ear, nose, and ball hair? Talk about your career being in the toilet, whose sh*t list do you have to be on to get stuck monitoring us?


That’s just the stuff they admit to (5 years after the FOIA request).
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