New Perry pics


NES Member
May 6, 2005
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Got in last night. Here we go.....

You all know about Commercial Row. Lots of bullets and RE15, but no small rifle primers.

At the CMP store. Be prepared to drool, Garand nuts.......

The Gratitude Train.

Out in "Dogpatch"

Waiting for the range to clear so we can start squadded practice.

One of them fancy Texas rifles.

A few pics of some of the crew from Maine...



Sometimes scoring for others is enjoyable....


Next year, if I say "Let's shoot the squadded practice", somebody please kick me in the nuts. Didn't get off the range until 7pm.

Tried a pic through my scope.

Dasha, from St. Petersburg, Russia was the pit officer next to me. Her husband went to Bowdoin, so we talked a lot.

Charlie Wallace, from San Antonio, TX was my partner during the NTI. We only had four people on our target point, so we spent the day together. A very nice gentleman.

Vialle pits. The carriers work really nice now they have ironed out the problems. Brenda, Chief Pit Officer, is the Iron Fist of God; do not disobey her.

Me, after finishing the NTI. I couldn't shoot worth beans on my feet or on my ass, but my prone scores bailed my out.

Once again, a good time was had by all.
Next year, if I say "Let's shoot the squadded practice", somebody please kick me in the nuts. Didn't get off the range until 7pm.

Is it just two and three hundred yards or do you shoot all the way across the course?

Nice pics.

Is it just two and three hundred yards or do you shoot all the way across the course?

Nice pics.


You've got 10 minutes at 600 to fire as many as you want, then you go to 200 for another ten minutes for as many as you want in any position, and then a sitting rapid. Sounds easy, right? So why did it take seven hours???!!!

Started a bit late and there were 5 relays. Fifth relay didn't have to go to the pits (they were rewarded for showing up late). A few "boats in the impact area", "low-flying aircarft", and Bald Eagle delays.

And to top it off, my elevation zeroes were EXACTLY the same as here at home.

All in all: a HUGE goat screw.
Anybody up for a rant about alibi's?

Beyond the typical rifle malfunctions, I observed alibi's given for:

Shooter not having his shooting glasses on.

Shooter not having his magazines loaded in time.

Are you friggin' kidding me???? Have your shit squared away or be prepared to lose some points. In fact, in Service Rifle matches, I am for the elimination of ALL equipment-related alibi's. Bring a rifle that works, mags that work, and ammo that works. End of story.

If my rifle malfunctions because I don't keep it clean or I don't take enough care with my handloads, I'm prepared to eat the ten points it will cost me.
It's amazing that so many come from all over the country and don't have rifles/ammo/gear/zeros/procedures...etc....etc...that work correctly. It's very pricey $$$ to go out there and shoot and not have all that crap ironed out.

Surprisingly enough, I've seen a lot of experienced guys with no clue as well. It's a shame it holds up so many people.

Anybody up for a rant about alibi's?

If my rifle malfunctions because I don't keep it clean or I don't take enough care with my handloads, I'm prepared to eat the ten points it will cost me.

Pat- awesome pictures!
I know what you are saying - I had a pistol malfunction at the USPSA Area 7 Championship in NY last week. I ended up in close to last place on that particular stage because of it. If I had asked for a re-shoot because my gun malfunctioned I would have been looked at like I was nuts. It's just part of the game - when equipment doesn't work it costs you points.

Not really related to rifle shooting but it is competive shooting related...
I am new and need looooooads of practice...but the place still gives me chills. I did the Presidents and the SAFS class and will hopefully do both next year and the NTI. But judging from my experience Ill be taking advantage of the Nashua practices and the East Windsor Frostbites.
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