I'm such an idiot - I was going through the manual on my new Ruger SR22 and decided to swap out the extended magazine end extension to see how it felt in my hand. The manual was silent on the procedure, so I just "winged" it and went ahead and slid the old endcap off in order to replace it with the extended one. Unfortunately, I had no idea the sucker was spring loaded, and once the old cap was removed, a long spring went flying out of the magazine with a small black plastic bracket. I have torn my living room / kitchen apart looking for this plastic piece, but have not been able to find it. The spring had quite a bit of tension, so I'm sure there was the potential for that bracket to land just about anywhere!
If I can't find that plastic cap bracket / cap, am I stuck? Do I have to replace the entire magazine, or can you purchase individual magazine components from Ruger?
If I can't find that plastic cap bracket / cap, am I stuck? Do I have to replace the entire magazine, or can you purchase individual magazine components from Ruger?