No love for the 327 Federal

Dec 25, 2012
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In 1985 I bought my first Guns & Ammo and fell in love a Dan Wesson .32 H&R mag that was reviewed. Since that time many other interests have been fulfilled and I'll admit that this one was all but forgotten about. Then I hear about the .327 Federal. Of course by now it seems I have missed the boat on this one. I've had a special order request for months and all the while I watch the rare listings on Gunbroker prices almost double since a few months ago.

At this point I would just settle for a H&R mag but those are just about as scarce. And to think I passed on the filthy GP-100 with a scored cylinder at Riley's priced at $13 less than what I was quoted on a new one. Guess they knew something I didn't...

I know this cartridge was pushed as a miracle defensive round and all the snubby options prove this. But my interests lie in the lost love I never had as a child. Low recoil, flat shooting, easy to reload target revolver. And I'd really hate to settle for the slightly more voluptuous big sister who happens to be quite easy to bed... The .357 Magnum.
I saw a stainless 4" S&W in .327 Federal for sale just yesterday, noticed the caliber on the tag and thought "wow, you don't see many of those".
I toyed with the idea of getting a gun in this caliber years ago, but then saw the price of ammo for it and thought differently.
I like the concept of the federal 327 mag but ammo is almost impossible to find. The biggest bonus I have seen is that frames usually chambered in .38 or .357 for 5 rounds are set up with 6 rounds in the .327......the ruger sp101 is an example of this.
I agree it's a great little caliber.

I've been keeping my eyes open for a j frame in this caliber for a couple years (model 632). Still haven't stumbled across one, at least at a decent price.
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