Non lock 442's on the S&W site now...

Ya calm down bunky

Right lets face it...
A classic model 40 and a 442 are definate exceptions to the "lock" rule. The lack of hammers in the design allow for these limited offerings. Don't expect any such offerings on the main line models.

Ahhh, yes, how could I forget... without the lock, a revolver with an exposed hammer would kill millions of chilrens due to the ultra evil single action trigger mode... which a chile could pull!!!!!!!!!! [hmmm]

Maybe they'll make a no lock 640 or 649 then... both are hammerless, meaning no SA mode... which means, more chiles.

No wonder 95% of my newly purchased revolvers are Rugers.

Guns laws and safety features... where common sense and logic do not apply... [rolleyes] [thinking]

Yay for personal responsibility and common sense.


I've got no problem with the lock. I just don't use it, and I'm not even sure I have keys for the three S&Ws I have.
Hopefully they'll pull their head out of their ass and the trend will continue.

I can't imagine, in terms of volume, how much hate mail S+W has gotten over the lock BS. Nobody uses the damned things, and all it is, is another thing to fail or remove.

I'd considered holding out for a non-lock 442 but decided that it didn't really make any difference to me, so long as I got in on the current rebate. I have no worries about the lock somehow causing a failure of some sort (and I sure as heck won't ever engage it).

Edit: it looks like the non-lock 442 sku (152544) is on the current rebate.

More info on this thread in the S&W forum.
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I have a big problem with the lock, in no special order... 1. it looks stupid; 2. it's ineffective, what's its purpose again?!; 3. it's a liability, while not all that common, there have been cases of the lock failing and locking up when being fired.
3. it's a liability, while not all that common, there have been cases of the lock failing and locking up when being fired.

Now that I'm doing some digging, it does seem that the lock failures have been a problem for more than a few owners: Integral Lock Induced Failures thread I guess I should have done my research before making an impulse buy... ain't that always the case?

Looks like I'll be breaking out the Dremel... [thinking]
If buying a new 642 or 442, everyone should go with the new no lock versions... let's send a message to Smith & Wesson.
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