Not F### ing Around Coalition (NFAC): The Plight Of Grand Master Jay Is Now Both Medical & Political - Seeking A Pardon From Joe Biden


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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EXCLUSIVE: Grand Master Jay has resurfaced and revealed his fighting a tumultuous battle for health and freedom. Will President Joe Biden hear what he has to say?

It will be interesting to see what Biden does.
Biden loves the BLM and associated groups, but he hates semi auto rifles.

So if he pardons him, it means he just doesn't want white people to have those rifles.
Oh Well!
He is getting his medical care. What's the problem? Oh! I know I am of a special ethnicity therefore I should get special treatment.
Hey, You are just a Racist, Leading a Racist Militia Group. If you were white, there would be a three-letter agency crawling up your rectum.
The "Party" doesn't need him anymore. This is what happens to folks like this, once their value is gone, they are cast aside.
Im not sure what his value proposition was in the first place...other than making me piss my pants laughing when he talked about bullpups.......but for certain FisherTech is 100% correct.

The term "useful idiot" is a perfect fit for the old GrandMaster.......
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