Not MA compliant: Ruger MK3 target


NES Member
Apr 18, 2011
In the woods of NH
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Holy crap, guess I have been living under a rock! I was cruising the classifieds and there was an ad for a Ruger MK3 and it stated it was no longer MA compliant. So I checked Ruger's web site and sure enough it was listed as CA compliant but not MA! WTF, this is a great range gun. It's my 12 year old daughters favorite gun. WTF? Anybody know why this is no longer MA legal?
The are legal in MA. (As are most handguns, for that matter) Ruger is just being retarded because they supposedly are changing like one little part in the design or some crap like that.
Thanks. Freaking Ruger. I just realized the LC9 that I sold awhile back is no longer MA compliant. I truly have been living under a rock.
Ruger has "re-engineered" a lot of their handguns, so now they have to go through the testing again. There are 2 models of the new MK IV that are compliant but none have been shipped as of yet.
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