Not the nicest rifle or best shooter, but my first.


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Aug 29, 2008
South Shore, MA
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Took my first ever rifle out to the range; a DOT44 K98 built in 2/45. It is an East German rework and a composite of three rifles. I paid $100 for it in May of 1995.

30 rounds of terrible 1978 M75 Yugo surplus; a 330 round purchase two years ago that has a history of double taps and hang fires. Standard 100 yards, seated; drizzle and 50 degrees. I beat it to the punch today and I used my 30# Wolff spring. Much better and everything went well, although the heavier spring makes it more difficult to shoot.

Hits started climbing as the rifle warmed up, and grouping is poor next to Friday's matched '39 237-Luft.

It wouldn't fetch much on GunBroker, but I'll never sell it as it was first rifle and purchased from my best friend who passed pack in '13.



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For 15 years it got one or two hand rubbed coats of tung oil which has really come out in a great shine. About due for another.

Nice looking rifle....I had to do a lot of tinkering to stop my K98 from provided me with that link.
Came down to stock fit and action screw tightness.
That Hugo surplus is awful. Great for checking for a flinch....I had some that where extremely long hang fires. I sold all mine as unshootable.
Minute of man, though. Still good enough to wing a Cossack at combat range.
When I received it, the side sling mount was ground off and replaced with a welded swivel, and with a second one welded to the bottom. A swivel was also mounted to the butt stock. I replaced that middle band with the stamped e/135 as seen in the pic and removed the butt swivel. The trigger and sear were EP'd to the rifle, but had been shaved to single action; I replaced the pair with a late war squared sear and trigger. Other than that it is as it was imported; I assumed the armorer's knew what they were doing and left the rest alone, but I can always check the RC accurizing link.

I also replaced all 4 TG screws with late war. They are perfectly timed. DOT a-block in 2/45 would have been in full Kriegsmodel, but still blued. It helps that this one has a semi-Kriegs stock and all stamped parts. I also added a sight hood (had a VZ24 one), cleaning rod, bayonet and sling in '07 for $300.

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I like that one Tim, I have a similar BCD 43, similar stock. Shoots just OK, but looks the part. Its always the default choice for a range day if nothing else is calling me!
Wow, that's a looker! Nice history, coming from a friend. I wouldn't sell it either...
More pics; note the post-war stamped to match parts. Actually of all my rifles it actually has the slickest action; it's been together this way probably since the late '40's and I've been shooting it for 21 years. It's well broken in. I did have to replace the follower spring last year as it wouldn't hold the last round in place.

Here's the RC Mauser accurizing link if anyone else would like to try.

Just ran through it; almost perfect save the front of the barrel didn't float. Now it does but the front band has to be knocked on with a wooden mallet. Curious to try it again, maybe with a box of my precious '92 Yugo M75.

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More pics; note the post-war stamped to match parts. Actually of all my rifles it actually has the slickest action; it's been together this way probably since the late '40's and I've been shooting it for 21 years. It's well broken in. I did have to replace the follower spring last year as it wouldn't hold the last round in place.

Here's the RC Mauser accurizing link if anyone else would like to try.


That link help me turn my RC k98 from minute of target stand to minute of black on the SR target.
My mauser really likes the PPU ammo if you buy ammo and shoots very well with nosler 200 grain custom comps.
Cast load testing shows some great promise also...
Keep the war dogs going !
Nothing smells as nice as a fresh coat of Tung oil - and its not fattening!

I have three boxes each of PPU and Hornady. I'll use a box of PPU.

OK, after fussing with the stock shimming last night, I tried again today with 20 rounds PPU. First 2 were low; the rifle actually shoots POA/POI with this load. Tried 30 of the '78 Yugo - much hotter load and the rounds were a foot POI from POA.

Reset the target and shot 45 rounds of the '78. I was using the factory spring this time and it seemed to make no difference. I was actually shaking on the last box - I can't remember the last time I shot 95 rounds at one sitting.

Yesterday's target is on the left, today's on the right. Both used the same ammo as a control, stock shimming was the variable. Both were about 50% around the first ring.

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Took one more shot at it. This time I used Hornady 40 rounds of 196gr BTHP vintage match. The first 4 were way high as this ammo shoots as high or higher than the Yugo. Compensated a little right and near the bottom of the cardboard.

Rather respectable this time. Hmm...the box says it shoots +2.2" at 100 yards; good to know.



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