NRA Instructor Course at Massachusetts Maritime Academy July 22-24, 2013

Sep 26, 2005
Centrally locatated to several GREAT gun clubs
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Gun Owners’ Action League
NRA Instructor Training Courses
Home Firearm Safety & Basic Pistol
July 22-24, 2013
At The
Massachusetts Maritime Academy
101 Academy Drive Buzzards Bay, MA 02532

Tuition includes NRA certification fees and wall charts for GOAL & NRA members!

Drop me an email for the application

9:00am BFS Law Primer for MSP Certified Instructors
12:30pm Lunch
1;30pm Pre-course assessment: Firearm Safety, Loading & Unloading

Part 1 Basic Instructor Training
2:30pm Opening Exercise
4:00pm The Instructor & the NRA Basic Firearm Training Program
6:00pm Class adjourns

9:00am Using a Training Team
10:30am Training Materials and Training Aids
11:30am Organizing Your Course
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Preparing to Teach
2:30pm NRA Trainer’s Exam & Lunch

Part 2 Home Firearm Safety & Basic Pistol Instructor Training
3:30pm Intro to NRA BP & NRA HFS Course Lesson Plans
4:30pm Teaching NRA BP Lesson I: Knowledge and Safe Handling
6:00pm Class adjourns

9:00am Teaching NRA BP Lesson II: Ammunition Knowledge and Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting
10:30am Teaching NRA HFS Lessons III and IV: Safe Gun Handling Practical Exercises, Ammunition, Firearm Cleaning and Storage
11:30am NRA Basic Pistol Instructional Method
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Teaching Pistol Lesson III: Firing the First Shots
2:30pm Teaching Pistol Lesson IV: Two-handed Standing & One-handed Standing Positions
3:30pm Evaluating and Improving Performance of Beginning Pistol Shooters
4:30pm Teaching Pistol Lesson V: Pistol Sports and Activities Home Firearm Safety Examination &
Basic Pistol Examination
5:30pm Course adjourns
• This is an Instructor Course and is open to experienced shooters only. The NRA Instructor Training Course is designed to teach experienced individuals how to teach others to shoot using the NRA lesson plans and training methods. You will be asked to demonstrate your firearm knowledge and skills during pre-course assessment exercises. Participation in this course does not guarantee certification as an NRA Instructor!

• Instructor Candidates must have 100% attendance!

• Advanced registration only! Seating is limited. You become registered when we receive your completed application and tuition.

• All books and classroom materials will be provided. NRA certification & processing fees are included if you are a GOAL and NRA member.

• Instructor Candidates will need to bring a note pad and pencils.

• On Wednesday, Instructor Candidates will need to bring eye and ear protection, 50 factory made cartridges and a .22 caliber pistol for the range practical exercises. Loaner guns are available.

• Refunds minus a $25 processing fee will be granted upon receipt of the returned student packet for cancellations up to 14 days before course date.

• The Pre-Course Questionnaire must be completed and submitted with a $295.00 course fee for GOAL Members and non-Massachusetts residents or a $450.00 course fee for non-GOAL members. Make checks payable to “GOAL” and mail or deliver to GOAL, 361 West Main St., Northborough, MA. 01532. Limited seating only. You are registered only when both the application and tuition are received.

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