NW. Mass. Camping


NES Member
Nov 8, 2005
Saw a post by @powerman about camping in Heath. This got me looking.
Anybody camp anywhere in this area?
What are some good things to do or see up here?
Good hunting?
Also, what is "Camp Demers"?
Todd Mountain Trail has a nice ring to it.

I camped in Monroe once during the winter. I believe a Series of Unfortunate Events would best describe it. Not the park's fault, necessarily.
Would not say good hunting.....there are deer around...but its big country with tough hills. If you like that sorta thing you'll be able to walk miles. There are probably a lot of bear in that part of the state.
I stay at mohawk trail campground when bear hunting. Savoy forest is nice too but have not been in a long time, used to take the kids there.
i bet the fishing is very bad this year, due to the drought

if i were hiking the mountains in that area with kids, i would bring some sort of pistol, like a .44 magnum.
the bears are mostly afraid of people, but you can never tell. you would be most likely to find one when you are coming back off a mountain at 5 pm or so. That is when the bears start moving for the night to find food

I would be careful hiking the kids when bear season opens. I have seen that area PACKED whith assorted yahoos. and remember, bear can be hunted with rifle, so a round goes pretty far Def avoid opening day of bear season!!!

look for beachnut trees, and see if you can show the kids bear sign. like their hairs stuck in the tree trunks or fence posts. scat. them sleeping up in the beachnut trees. and so on. bring a small pair of binoculars
Yeah, I had a friend who would bear hunt there.

Is that about it, or is there any scenery? I'll save bear hunting for bear season, if I decide to get into that.

Any other places North of Northampton, West of 9/112/8A and West of 202 that have decent scenery, maybe some hiking, kayaking, mountain bike (fire) roads, with camping spots? Just looking to explore a little.
Mohawk Park Campground is a busy place. Right off route 2. tent sites along the river as well as cabins. They also have a restaurant and bar, if its still open.
Not exactly "out of the way" camping.
That's all I got.
Maybe I'll just head to VT or NH.

Was thinking Winhall (Jamaica VT) campground, or my neighbor's land in Warren, NH.

But, those are another hour's drive at least.
Yeah, I had a friend who would bear hunt there.

Is that about it, or is there any scenery? I'll save bear hunting for bear season, if I decide to get into that.

Any other places North of Northampton, West of 9/112/8A and West of 202 that have decent scenery, maybe some hiking, kayaking, mountain bike (fire) roads, with camping spots? Just looking to explore a little.
there IS stuff to see.
You can see the entrance to the Hoosack train tunnel, and walk across the wood railroad bridge across the river.
there used to be a Hoosac Tunnel museum in N. Adams, not sure if it is open or not today.

you can hike up to the mountain tops, on either side of Rt 2. but i do not recall any great vistas up there since thei mountain tops have trees.
there are marked trails up one of the mountains from the Mohawk Trail Campground.

there is the power station and water storage mountain top lake as part of the beartown power generation station. you can walk the power lines there too, and get some scenery.

there is a ski slope in town, not sure if they run the lift during the summer or not.
on the way to north adams there is a good vista of the valley, along with the hairpin turn road, the BPOE elk statue.

there is an apple orchard along rt 2, possibly ready to "pick your own"

there are ponds at savoy forest, but you need to bring your own cannoe or row boat

There are one or two "Indian Trinket" type shops on the way there.

Lamson Knife outlet in Shellburne falls

and of course, there is Pot Rock. its a big rock in the middle of the River, a couple miles west of Mohawk Trail campground that everyone would meet up at and smoke pot at back in the '70's. Like you were going caving in the slingerlands, NY, and everyone would "meet up at pot rock" to form a caravan.

that is about it
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I tented a couple nights out in Savoy Forest a few years ago. The hiking is fine, and Tannery Falls is well worth seeing.
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