Somewhat along the lines of my thread bugging in vs. bugging out.
I don't have easy access to a "Cabin in the hills," but I do have my home and access to my parents home. Some issues which could alert the not so lucky straglers and turn your situation upside down with both bugging in and bugging out are things like:
-Sound of a generator
-Smoke from the chimney
-dogs in the yard
-clothing on a clothes line
- noticeable garden
IMHO garbage bags over all windows isn't going to work for long before you start to become completely uncomfortable while bugging in. So what can you do to maintain security, concealment from passerbys, survivablity and comfort?
-Solar powered generator. While listening to Sirius XM Patriot, an ad came on from betterinablackout. com about their solarpowered generators. Honestly, they are expensive and I can buy a similar system but with used pannels for much cheaper. I believe that refridgeration is something that no one can live without. Would you rather spend $2,000 on MREs and survival rations with 10+ year shelf life, or $2,000 on a solar power system? The solar power can do more (obviously) than that. Power a base CB or HAM radio station, power an electric space heater, AC unit, power your tools, etc.
What about a garden? Fresh produce and herbs I believe is key in a long term self reliance situation. I have a seedbank but I have no real area for a secure outdoor garden. I don't want to plot a garden outside and risk it being something to attract scavengers to someone living near it. So I have a hydroponics set up in my basement.
The items to build it are extremely inexpensive but to power the water pump, growlight, etc I need a power source; that is where the solar power comes in.
(I can provide details as to how I built my system for those interested)
Seedbanks I believe are becoming more and more popular because of the cost of quality MREs like Wise or Mountain House and the amount of space it all takes up. If you have a family of 4 and you have 2 years worth of meals, that takes up alot of space and costs alot of money. 1,000,000 mixed non GMO seeds can fill 2 5gal buckets and cost around $150. Water can be obtained when needed and nutrient rich potting soil and "plant food" is readily available and inexpensive as well.
Thanks for reading, hope some found it helpful, interesting
I don't have easy access to a "Cabin in the hills," but I do have my home and access to my parents home. Some issues which could alert the not so lucky straglers and turn your situation upside down with both bugging in and bugging out are things like:
-Sound of a generator
-Smoke from the chimney
-dogs in the yard
-clothing on a clothes line
- noticeable garden
IMHO garbage bags over all windows isn't going to work for long before you start to become completely uncomfortable while bugging in. So what can you do to maintain security, concealment from passerbys, survivablity and comfort?
-Solar powered generator. While listening to Sirius XM Patriot, an ad came on from betterinablackout. com about their solarpowered generators. Honestly, they are expensive and I can buy a similar system but with used pannels for much cheaper. I believe that refridgeration is something that no one can live without. Would you rather spend $2,000 on MREs and survival rations with 10+ year shelf life, or $2,000 on a solar power system? The solar power can do more (obviously) than that. Power a base CB or HAM radio station, power an electric space heater, AC unit, power your tools, etc.
What about a garden? Fresh produce and herbs I believe is key in a long term self reliance situation. I have a seedbank but I have no real area for a secure outdoor garden. I don't want to plot a garden outside and risk it being something to attract scavengers to someone living near it. So I have a hydroponics set up in my basement.
The items to build it are extremely inexpensive but to power the water pump, growlight, etc I need a power source; that is where the solar power comes in.
(I can provide details as to how I built my system for those interested)
Seedbanks I believe are becoming more and more popular because of the cost of quality MREs like Wise or Mountain House and the amount of space it all takes up. If you have a family of 4 and you have 2 years worth of meals, that takes up alot of space and costs alot of money. 1,000,000 mixed non GMO seeds can fill 2 5gal buckets and cost around $150. Water can be obtained when needed and nutrient rich potting soil and "plant food" is readily available and inexpensive as well.
Thanks for reading, hope some found it helpful, interesting