Opinions on value of Winchester 94

Dec 15, 2006
N. Central MA
Feedback: 4 / 0 / 0
I'm considering selling my 1977 Winchester 94 in 30-30 to fund a PPS. It has one round through it (by me). It was my Dad's, and he never shot it. It's in excellent condition. Just trying to get an idea. Thanks
My 2008 price guide lists 23 or 24 major 94 variations. NIB prices average about $350.
I'd check the completed auctions on GunBroker.

The auctions are funny. A certain gun may go for what I think is a great price, and at the same time a similar model will get zero bids.
Someone decides he has to have a 1977 model and you can do well.

you may want to just hold onto it for when everyone wants to be a lever action swinging cowboy again. Right now the AR,AK rush is still holding on a bit. Soon I see so many ARs on the shelves people will be come bored with them, I posted my 94 for sale and not even a low baller hit on it.
I'm a sentimental kind of guy... so if I had a gun that my dad owned before me... I'd probably sell another gun before this one.

But if you're not a sentimental one... (which it doesn't sound like you are [smile]) you could probably fetch between $300-350 for it assuming it's a standard 30-30 model...
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