I have been looking into alternative cooking solutions for the off grid cabin I am building, and discovered a pretty cool product made by a Swedish company Origo (Bought out now by Dometic?). Its called the Heat-Pal 5000 (new model 5100). Its an alcohol cooktop housed in package that can double as a small space heater. Obviously runs on denatured alcohol which is safe for indoor use. The storage life of alcohol is excellent especially in sealed gallon cans.
Just posted a review on my blog: https://bodegabuild.wordpress.com/2013/03/27/origo-heat-pal-5000-review/
Thought some in this forum would find it useful....
Just posted a review on my blog: https://bodegabuild.wordpress.com/2013/03/27/origo-heat-pal-5000-review/

Thought some in this forum would find it useful....