Origo Alcohol Stoves

Nov 18, 2008
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I have been looking into alternative cooking solutions for the off grid cabin I am building, and discovered a pretty cool product made by a Swedish company Origo (Bought out now by Dometic?). Its called the Heat-Pal 5000 (new model 5100). Its an alcohol cooktop housed in package that can double as a small space heater. Obviously runs on denatured alcohol which is safe for indoor use. The storage life of alcohol is excellent especially in sealed gallon cans.

Just posted a review on my blog: https://bodegabuild.wordpress.com/2013/03/27/origo-heat-pal-5000-review/


Thought some in this forum would find it useful....
I have a small alcohol stove that came with my boat.... I never used it though. It was a small one burner.... nothing like your picture.
The one in the pic uses the guts from the cook tops they sell for use on boats. They have single and dual burner units and even one with an oven attached.

I have a small alcohol stove that came with my boat.... I never used it though. It was a small one burner.... nothing like your picture.
I had an Origo on my boat and they are very good, in fact amazing how much heat they throw for an alcohol stove. You can just use denatured alcohol in them that you buy at home depot...
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