Osama's AK on display (not for us pawns of course)


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Sep 11, 2009
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found this while reading about krinks, its probably a repost but if not its interesting anyways.

SEE IT: Osama Bin Laden?s AK-47 displayed in ultra-secret CIA Museum: report - NY Daily News

Osama bin Laden's AK-47 is now displayed in the CIA Museum at the agency's headquarters in Langley, Va. It is closed to the public.
The Russian-style rifle found near Osama Bin Laden's body after he was killed in a raid by Navy SEALs now hangs in a super-secret museum in the belly of the CIA's headquarters, NBC News reports.

The AK-47, taken from the third floor of Bin Laden's Abbottabad hideout, lay just out of reach for the 9/11 mastermind when SEAL Team 6 members stormed his bedroom just after midnight on May 2, 2011, and felled him with a blast to the forehead.

The rifle was recovered from the third floor of Bin Laden's Abbottabad hideout after he was killed by Navy SEALs on May 2, 2011.

The gun is one of the most recent additions to the CIA Museum in Langley, a thrilling archive of spycraft memorabilia dating back to the agency's birth during World War II.

The museum contains memorabilia, tricks of the spycraft trade and other artifacts dating back to the agency's beginnings in World War II.

It is closed to the general public.

Bin Laden's AK-47 is in working condition, the museum's curator said. It is displayed alongside an Al Qaeda handbook found in Afghanistan sometime after 9/11.

Then-CIA Director Leon Panetta requested for the Kalashnikov to be fished from agency's shadows so it could be displayed as one of the premiere trophies of the War on Terror, NBC News reports.

Mounted on pegs behind a glass case, the rifle is identified by a brass plaque that reads "Osama bin Laden's AK-47."

An Al-Qaeda training manual found in Afghanistan after 9/11 sits beside it, while the mock-up of Bin Laden's compound used to plan the raid lies a few steps away.


Bin Laden was killed by SEAL Team 6 commandos on May 2, 2011.

CIA museum curator Toni Hiley told NBC Bin Laden’s rifle still works but, in true spook fashion, declined to describe the details of its recovery or whether it was loaded when found.

"I just know that I have it in my museum and I'm happy to have it," she said.

Read more: SEE IT: Osama Bin Laden?s AK-47 displayed in ultra-secret CIA Museum: report - NY Daily News
The article not once referred to it as an "assault weapon" with "high capacity magazines", once again proving the media bias towards legal gun owners.

Citizen owned semi automatic version = death machine
Terrorist owned full auto version = rifle
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The article not once referred to it as an "assault weapon" with "high capacity magazines", once again proving the media bias towards legal gun owners.

Citizen owned semi automatic version = death machine
Terrorist owned full auto version = rifle
The libtards hate responsible gun owners for many reasons but, the main reason is they are scared that they can't piss all over our lives without the threat of one of us getting fed up with libtard logic and taking them out. They really just want to ban people who want to take responsibility for their, and their families, safety. It has nothing to do with the gun.

Oh and you would think, by the media's logic, that showing that "rifle" it would cause fear and unrest in the homes of all families of this country. What a joke.

looks like a nice museum for American royals


us dirty peasants are not worthy to see what we pay for
he must have lost his Krink in afghan somewhere. he usually was pictured with a krink that he supposedly got off a dead Russian general durning the 80's war.


Oh and you would think, by the media's logic, that showing that "rifle" it would cause fear and unrest in the homes of all families of this country. What a joke.

maybe that's not the reason. Maybe they just don't want a place for the towelheads to pilgrim to.
You know, if the SEALs that actually killed it had kept it as a trophy and had it displayed where we couldn't see it, I really wouldn't have much of a problem with it. They earned that trophy, after all.
You know, if the SEALs that actually killed it had kept it as a trophy and had it displayed where we couldn't see it, I really wouldn't have much of a problem with it. They earned that trophy, after all.
They get to keep the good memories of ganking that piece of shit in the head. That'll do.
You know, if the SEALs that actually killed it had kept it as a trophy and had it displayed where we couldn't see it, I really wouldn't have much of a problem with it. They earned that trophy, after all.

They probably have a jar of pickled 'Sama Balls. [rofl]

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The guys on the ground in the shit can't bring a trophy back, but these jerkoffs can do whatever they want. Oh ya, its go time
There's no way that's osama's......he liked the short version with flash surpressor he. He also liked the orange/ red bakerlite mags........and please I cant see osama in his private domain with anything less than a H&K ? Maybe for apearences he was seen with a Ak in public. You know under his robe he had a mp5!!
Sweet that we pay for the upkeep of a museum that we can't even see. This country needs an enema, fast.
Enemas flush out backed-up shit from rectums. How can you flush mental shit from a backed-up liberal's brain? Government can have whatever they want. Some troops got themselves in deep trouble with BATFE for doing the same thing (bringing AKs and other full-auto weapons home from Iraq and Afghanistan). Two different standards. And yes, I also resent the fact that my tax dollars are paying for a private museum that I will never be able to visit.
You know, if the SEALs that actually killed it had kept it as a trophy and had it displayed where we couldn't see it, I really wouldn't have much of a problem with it. They earned that trophy, after all.

I actually wouldn't either, I would even expect that of them, but do you think a Seal can walk into Langley and visit the CIA museum? Doubtful.
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